Saturday, August 31, 2013

Zatannurday: The Fishnets Brigade

It looks like the oft-rumored Zatanna-Black Canary team-up is going to happen.
The news comes from Paul Dini himself.

Here is the link,

And here is the awesome Joe Quinones cover.  Yup. These are the pre-52 continuity.

Black Canary is another fave of mine so I am really looking forward to this one.   Visit the link above to see more great art.  I am looking forward to the background story of when Zee and Canary were younger.  Plus seeing a pre-dead John Zatarra (and not brought back to life) is also fun.

Dini will do a great job. He is the only guy that loves Zatanna more than me.

Sucks I have to wait till May 2014.

Friday, August 30, 2013

The Quests of the Ancients / Forgotten Realms connection

I just discovered something neat.

A character from this:

Makes an appearance in this:

Raven TenTolliver, the woman on the QoA cover in the dark cloak, is also known as Rhiannon and Whisper.

According to a source I just found she is supposed to look like Victoria Principle.  That's cool I can get behind that.

I'll have to investigate some more!

30 Day D&D Challenge, Part 2

Looks like I am going to be in good company with this. (who had the idea first)

I have a few ideas of things to say already.

30 Day D&D Challenge

Anthony Emmel  over at Polar Bear Dreams and Stranger Things is going to do the 30-Day D&D Challenge.
I have seen this floating around and thought it was a cool idea.  He makes the very good point that September has 30 days, so it's a perfect fit really.

So I am going to do it too!

I am going to talk about ALL versions of D&D.  Not a lot in each post, but enough.

Come on join us!  You know you want too. ;)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Return to the Caves of Chaos

How many gamers cut their teeth on The Caves of Chaos / Keep on the Borderlands?
I have been taking my own kids through this well trod adventure for our current 1st Ed AD&D game.

For this time around I am adding some new ideas.  Stealing from the Return to The Keep on the Borderlands and even some ideas that came up in my "Ash vs. The Keep on the Borderlands" for the Army of Darkness game.  I am going to set up some of clues for the ultimate adventure they will be on (AGDQ+).

Michael Komark, The Caves of Chaos (2005)
In my research I found the following resources and thought I would share.

Some awesome 3D maps. Click for larger.

Map by Weem

Caves of Chaos - D&D Next Playtest report

Google Sketch-up Map

Humanoid Distributions

I am sure there are more.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

White Dwarf Wednesday #77

White Dwarf #77 does nothing whatsoever to change my impression that White Dwarf  shares a lot with Heavy Metal Magazine.  The cover is the famous Heavy Metal magazine cover of September 1981 and movie poster by Chris Achilleos.

The editorial mentions the magazine's movie to Nottingham...and how the staff is not moving with them.  What?  Paul Cockburn will be running the magazine from the new offices.  Paul is ex of Imagine Magazine.  Interesting time of change here.

Open Box is up. One of my favorites is reviewed, DC Heroes by Mayfair Games. Marcus Rowland like the game (8/10) but laments the limited supply. I had played a bit of DC Heroes around this time as well. My DM was huge into Teen Titans (as was pretty much everyone), but interesting enough I was more into Marvel and X-men at this time.  Another fave, though I wasn't playing it much, is the Stealer of Souls scenario from Chaosium for Stormbringer it gets a 8/10.  I mentioned a bit ago I found my old FASA Doctor Who game.  This issue has supplements The Daleks and The Master, neither of which I owned but had wanted at one time.  I was a bit cautious of FASA's material after this when I picked up the Officers Manual for Star Trek the Next Gen and it was just all over the place. These feel similar, though I would still like to read them someday. They get 7/10 and 6/10 respectively.

Critical Mass is back covering Anne McCaffery and the then current Stainless Steel Rat book (Stainless Steel Rat is Born). I tried to get into both of the these series but they never clicked with me.  I felt I just wasn't getting something that every else got.  Now I just see it for what it was.  I was drifting into horror at this time so SciFi and Fantasy wasn't going to interest me for much longer.

2020 Vision covers Jewel of the Nile, Enemy Mine, The Evil Dead and Young Sherlock Holmes among others.  All really fun movies.

The Crazy File is a new article for Judge Dredd. It details the latest Crazes for the Judge Dredd RPG.  There might more here than I am getting, not being all that familiar with the comic (just the game and the bad Sly Stallone movie. No I have not seen the Karl Urban one).  But it also looks like something that might work for Traveller.   It occurs to me that Dredd + Traveller might equal Cowboy Bebop.

Ok this one is close to my heart.  Spellbound discusses magic in superhero games.  It's a good read talking about the nature, and a little bit of the source, of magic.  How it works in the game, both rule wise and narratively, and how it can be used.  The author, Phil Masters, has a the "street cred" in my mind to discuss this.  Reading this I am struck with the similarities of a review on Harry Potter's use of magic.
There are rules to comic book science, and magic seems to violate those. Doesn't matter that supposedly being born under a red sun gives a man super strength, the ability to fly and to shoot laser beams from his eyes. That's science. (supposedly). Cast a few spells and you are breaking the game. Or at least you shouldn't have to break it.  Years before Aberrant made it their thing the article also discusses how to run a Supers game without any magic at all.

Another good article, and one I wish I had back then, is The Final Frontier: Roleplaying in the Star Trek Universe.  The article briefly touches on the massive cultural impact of Star Trek (and this is still 25 years before George Takei would take to the Internet) has, but it focuses mostly on the new FASA game. IT talks about how, maybe more than any other game, how the players can come to it with more knowledge than the GM.

A Simple Wish is another really interesting adventure for AD&D and MERP.  This one strikes me less as Middle Earth and more of MERP. Yeah there is a slight distinction.  Like the distinction between Star Trek and Star Fleet Battles.  It uses the trappings of Middle Earth; even my current favorite The Silmarillion.  But  it plays like an AD&D adventure and could take place in the Realms just as easy.   It still has the problem of the PCs being "lesser players" to "Big Names", but not as bad as past MERP adventures WD had published.  Dual stat anything and I am going to be interested.

A Cast of Thousands covers NPCs and their motivations.  It's not a bad article, but we live in a post World of Darkness world were every NPC has a huge backstory.  Heck, the MERP adventure in this same issue has this issue.

Treasure Chest has an article ripped from todays' blog posts.  How to run non-sexist Heroines.

Tabletop Heroes has more photography tricks.

Fracas, the new rumors page, has a bunch of news.  Most interesting is a new game based on Ghostbusters.

We end with ads.

Ok. So if this is the last of the old guard issues, then they did great job. This is one of the better recent issues.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Damn. There goes *that* idea!

So I am reading Christopher Hitchen's Arguably and I had the great idea for new RPG.

It was going to to be a game where all the characters are investigative reporters of various types.  The idea then you work for a paper, tabloid, news service or blog and investigate.  Their could be supernatural elements (if the "Editor" chooses) or the stories could be played straight.

I'd use something like Fate since it really fits this idea well.  Plus that would give me mechanics for bribery and addictions of various types (or as Hitch might say, Bribery, Boozing and Buggery).

While most of the fiction I read is supernatural in flavor, most of the non-fiction I read deals with news items and the journalists that uncover it.  I just I was just as much impacted by The Hobbit as I was by All the President's Men.

I was going to call it "Scoop! The RPG of Muckrakers, Tabloids and Yellow Journalism".

Turns out that this game already exists.  Of sorts.
"Scoop! An Investigative Reporter RPG" is talked about here,

Ok. So their's has dinosaurs. My wouldn't.
But it is very, very, very close to the same idea.

Damn.  Plus Machine Age Productions, the company that came up with this game also does some games with Fate.

Hmm.  Not sure what I want to do yet.  The easiest of course is not to do it, but that is not very satisfying.
*IF* I still do it, then at least I need to change the name.

Back to the drawing board I guess.