Saturday, August 5, 2023

#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 8, Room 5

 Passageway 4 ends in a locked door. The lock can be picked or forced open with a combined strength of 24.

Inside this small oval shape room, the party finds a collection of treasure.

Room 5

The lamps (six total) glow with an arcane light (via a continual light spell).

There are all sorts of small chests here (10+1d6) each containing gems (5d8 x 100 gp worth), a decanter of endless water, a spell book with random spells (1d10 1st level, 1d8 2nd level, 1d6 3rd level, 1d4 4th level, and 1 5th level). Despite it's obvious age it appears to be magically preserved.*

*If a player reads a spell from this spell book as if it were a scroll, it will destroy the whole book.

There is a dagger +2, +3 to lycanthropes.

A shield +2, +3 vs. missile fire. 

A scroll of teleportation (with detailed descriptions of the 1st level). 

As well as 1d4+3 random other magic items. 

Three of the small chests act as large bags of holding. A person could carry one each.

There is a jeweled crown (cursed, after possessing it for one year the wearer thinks they are a king and demand to be treated as such). 

And a gilded, jeweled dagger. It is sharp but not magical. It is worth 1,000 gp.

Otherwise the room is a dead end.


Game Masters should reward XP value equal to 1/2 of the GP value of treasure found. 

Friday, August 4, 2023

Kickstart Your Weekend - The Beast & Snow #1

 I wasn't going to promote any Kickstarters for a bit after a month of doing nothing but Wasted Lands, but this one came up and I couldn't say no.

The Beast & Snow #1 - NSFW Queer Fairytale Romance

The Beast & Snow #1 - NSFW Queer Fairytale Romance

Revision fairy tales? Vampires? Strong female leads? Kat Calamia and Phil Falco? Dorilys Giacchetto cover? Liana Kangas cover? Stjepan Sejic cover?!

Sign me up! No need, I did that myself.

Ok so this looks like a lot of fun and I am getting a strong "Carmilla" and "Vampyres" vibe from this. 

The art looks great and the story should be great from what little bit I can gather here.  They are just missing a witch from being perfect! (I am nothing if not consistent.)

And if you think I am NOT doing versions of these characters for my home game using my Monster Mash rules then you don't know me or this blog very well. 

They have met their funding and unlocked their first stretch goal. Looks like they might need more stretch goals at this rate!

But seriously, this looks like a lot of fun and I hope there are a lot of issues in this series. 

#RPGaDay2023 Most RECENT game bought

 Not counting collections (I'll detail that later) the most recent game I have bought was bought FOR me and not BY me.  That would be my Spanish Language D&D 5e books.

D&D En Español

I got these as Birthday presents back in June because I am learning Spanish now. They are actually a lot of fun and have been a great challenge.  I am looking for other RPGs in Spanish too.


#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 8, Room 4

 Continuing on in this passageway the party encounters a long corridor. 

Room 4

This corridor is lit with an eerie eldritch light. The floor is made up of tiles.

The corridor is 50ft long, and every five feet there is a pressure plate on the floor that fires a magic missile at the party. 1d6 hp of damage, it will always hit one character at random.

A thief can find the traps (the pressure plate), but the trap itself is magical and needs a dispel magic to stop. The dispel magic only works for 1 of the 10 traps in this area.

Doing so will result in 50 xp.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

#RPGaDay2023 First RPG BOUGHT (this year)

 I had to think about this one, but my first RPG purchase of 2023 had to be my Deluxe Edition of The Dark Eye.

The Dark Eye

There is a lot about this game I really love and want to do more with. I still might get around to doing some more too.


#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 8, Room 3

The first four tunnels are on the left, and they are all lined up next to each other.  The fifth tunnel is on the right and at an angle away from the others.

The farthest tunnel opening on the left leads to a short but wide tunnel. The walls are smooth, as is the floor, but it is obviously carved out of the rock.  Within this tunnel, the party encounters a group of four small demons.

Room 3


These creatures are fat, with long, spindly arms and legs.  They have rudimentary human heads, with slobbering jaws and folds of fat.  Dretch demons have some weak demonic powers.  

Armor Class: 2 [17]
Hit Dice: 4 (18 hp)
Attacks:  2 claws (1d4), 1 bite (1d6)
THAC0: 16 [+3]
Movement: 120’ (40’)
Saving Throws: D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (4)
Morale: 6
Alignment: Chaotic
XP: 225
Number Appearing: 1d4+1 
Treasure Type: J, K, L, M

  • Low intelligence: Dretch demons are not intelligent and act accordingly.
  • Demonic Powers: Dretch demons have some minor demonic powers. Each usable once per day.

    • stinking cloud once per day
    • teleport
    • cause darkness (10ft diameter)
    • summon 1d4 giant rats

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Mail Call: More Witches!

 Yeah...I am obsessed. Mail call today, and it was full of some great witch books.

Up first, another witch-centric RPG I backed on Kickstarter, Last Sabbath.

Last Sabbath RPG

Last Sabbath RPG

Last Sabbath RPG

Last Sabbath RPG Art, bookmark and pin
Last Sabbath RPG Art, bookmark and pin

The game looks phenomenal, and I want to try it out really soon.

And one I have been waiting 20+ years for.

The Bewitching Hour

Ashley Poston has a novel out about 17-year-old Tara, one of my all-time favorite witches. 

This is her pre-Sunnydale days, and I can't wait to jump into this.  And because I had a credit lying around, I picked it up on Audible as well.

The Bewitching Hour Audiobook

While I am sure the narrator will be great, it would have been nice to get Amber Benson to do it.


So yeah I *know* I am obsessed, and I know I catch some grief for it online, but you know what? 

I don't actually care.

This is my little corner of the Internet, and I get to do what I love here. And if that gets me 10 fans or 10,000*, then fantastic! Plenty of other sites out there that leave me scratching my head asking "who would even find that fun??" but hey, their sites, their rules. 

To quote Steve Martin, "The most amazing thing to me is, I get paid for doing this!"

(*It is less than 10,000, but a lot more than 10!)