More stock art tonight and some very useful ones at that. I have used all of these in one form or another in my own work.
Publisher's Choice -Equipment: Witch Tools
From Fat Goblin Games. $3.83. ZIP file.
This collection includes six TIFF images of a cauldron, hat, a wand, a broom, book, and a shrunken head.
Witchcraft Tool Set - Illustrations - Stock Art
From Nono. $5.00. PDF.
Instead of separate image files this one is presented as a pdf. Less useful when using the images, but easier to evaluate them all at once. This one has 42 images, including knives, candles, brooms, cups, crystals, herbs, and wands.
Witch items
From Queen. $2.99. JPG/PNG files.
This one is presented as a set of images on one JPG and one PNG file. The images are all featured on the cover. There is an included license.