Sorry for the radio silence folks.
Had a computer die on me and needed to get this new one up and running.
Back to normal posting next week.
Friday, April 13, 2018
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
The USS Protector game stats
USS Protector, NX-3120
Mystic-class Starship (based on existing Ambassador-class refits)
Explorer/Heavy Cruiser/Experimental Starship
Klatu Nebula Yards (USS Mystic and engine prototype)
Neptune Station (USS Protector; warp field configuration)
Ships of the Line
Each ship is listed as experimental due to differing warp field configurations and nacelle placements. The overall length of ships can vary by as much as 50 meters.
Ships of the line are named after types of magic-users. All 21 ships were built from refit Ambassador-class spaceframes.
NX-3100 USS Mystic
NX-3101 USS Wizard
NX-3102 USS Sorcerer
NX-3103 USS Thaumaturgist
NX-3104 USS Hierophant
NX-3105 USS Mage
NX-3106 USS Illusionist
NX-3107 USS Summoner
NX-3108 USS Conjurer
NX-3109 USS Enchanter
NX-3110 USS Abjurer
NX-3111 USS Invoker
NX-3112 USS Diviner
NX-3113 USS Necromancer
NX-3114 USS Witch
NX-3115 USS Shaman
NX-3116 USS Incantatrix
NX-3117 USS Elementalist
NX-3118 USS Arch-Mage
NX-3119 USS Imbolc Mage
NX-3120 USS Protector
Length: 700m
Saucer Section width: 324m
Nacelle width: 396m
Height: 102m
Mass: 4,110,000 metric tons
Number of Decks: 33
Officer crew: 320
Enlisted crew: 900-1,000
Comand Officer: Commander rank
Omega-13 Warp Drive
Cruising Speed: Warp 6 (392 C)
Top speeds:
- Traditional warp: Warp 9 (1516 C) / 9.4* (1753 C)
- Asymmetric warp: Warp 13 (5166 C)
*Asymmetric Warp has no known upper limit so speeds past Warp 9 will use tradition Warp calculations. The current top speed is Warp 13.
Impulse Drive
Full Impulse: .75 C (typical cruising speed 0.25 C)
Dorsal, Ventral and Aft phaser arrays, Type 9.1 (Type X prototypes)
Four forward facing phaser cannons, Prototype
Fore and Aft photon torpedo tubes, Type 6
USS PROTECTOR NX-3120 for Star Trek Adventures
Comms 09
Computers 09
Engines 09/10 (for experimental Omega 13 Drive)
Sensors 08
Structure 08
Weapons 09
Command -
Conn -
Security -
Engineering +2
Science +1
Medicine -
Scale: 6
Power: 10 (based on normal crew compliments)
Shields: 13
Resistance: 6
Mystic-class starships have the following Talents:
USS PROTECTOR NX-3120 for the White Star RPG
ATTACK: Heavy Laser x5 (6d6) (Phaser Array), Laser Cannon x4 (2d6) (Phaser Cannon), Proton Missile x2 (8d6) (Photon Torpedoes)
MODIFICATIONS Advanced Shielding (3), Automated Weapons (16), Faster-Than-Light Drive (Warp Drive), Proton Missiles, Tractor Beam (2), Shield Capacitor
USS PROTECTOR NX-3120 for Starships & Spacemen
Ship type: Cruiser
Crew complement: 320 officers, 900-1000 enlisted
Command Rank: Commander
Power Pile Base: 200 energy units (two full pods)
Teleporter Capacity: 5 at a time
Beam Banks: 3
Ion Torpedoes: 2
Shuttle Ships: 12
Sick Bay Capacity: 60 (emergency to 200)
USS PROTECTOR NX-3120 for X-plorers
Ship Class: 4
Type: Cruiser
Crew: 320 officers, 900-1000 enlisted
Hull Points: 90
Weapon Damage: 3d6 (phasers), 2d8 (photorps), 4d8 (phase cannons)
AC: 14
NPC Skill: 14/12/10+
XP Value: 5,500
Cost Million Cr: 240
Mystic-class Starship (based on existing Ambassador-class refits)
Explorer/Heavy Cruiser/Experimental Starship
![]() |
NX - 3120 USS Protector |
Klatu Nebula Yards (USS Mystic and engine prototype)
Neptune Station (USS Protector; warp field configuration)
Ships of the Line
Each ship is listed as experimental due to differing warp field configurations and nacelle placements. The overall length of ships can vary by as much as 50 meters.
Ships of the line are named after types of magic-users. All 21 ships were built from refit Ambassador-class spaceframes.
![]() |
USS Mystic, NX - 3100 |
NX-3101 USS Wizard
NX-3102 USS Sorcerer
NX-3103 USS Thaumaturgist
NX-3104 USS Hierophant
NX-3105 USS Mage
NX-3106 USS Illusionist
NX-3107 USS Summoner
NX-3108 USS Conjurer
NX-3109 USS Enchanter
NX-3110 USS Abjurer
NX-3111 USS Invoker
NX-3112 USS Diviner
NX-3113 USS Necromancer
NX-3114 USS Witch
NX-3115 USS Shaman
NX-3116 USS Incantatrix
NX-3117 USS Elementalist
NX-3118 USS Arch-Mage
NX-3119 USS Imbolc Mage
NX-3120 USS Protector
Length: 700m
Saucer Section width: 324m
Nacelle width: 396m
Height: 102m
Mass: 4,110,000 metric tons
Number of Decks: 33
Officer crew: 320
Enlisted crew: 900-1,000
Comand Officer: Commander rank
Omega-13 Warp Drive
Cruising Speed: Warp 6 (392 C)
Top speeds:
- Traditional warp: Warp 9 (1516 C) / 9.4* (1753 C)
- Asymmetric warp: Warp 13 (5166 C)
*Asymmetric Warp has no known upper limit so speeds past Warp 9 will use tradition Warp calculations. The current top speed is Warp 13.
Impulse Drive
Full Impulse: .75 C (typical cruising speed 0.25 C)
Dorsal, Ventral and Aft phaser arrays, Type 9.1 (Type X prototypes)
Four forward facing phaser cannons, Prototype
Fore and Aft photon torpedo tubes, Type 6
USS PROTECTOR NX-3120 for Star Trek Adventures
Comms 09
Computers 09
Engines 09/10 (for experimental Omega 13 Drive)
Sensors 08
Structure 08
Weapons 09
Command -
Conn -
Security -
Engineering +2
Science +1
Medicine -
Scale: 6
Power: 10 (based on normal crew compliments)
Shields: 13
Resistance: 6
- Phaser Arrays
- Phaser Cannons
- Photon Torpedoes
- Tractor Beam (Strength 4)
Mystic-class starships have the following Talents:
- Prototype (presently applies to all ships in the line with various modifications)
- Improved Warp Drive
- Advanced Sensor Suites
USS PROTECTOR NX-3120 for the White Star RPG
ATTACK: Heavy Laser x5 (6d6) (Phaser Array), Laser Cannon x4 (2d6) (Phaser Cannon), Proton Missile x2 (8d6) (Photon Torpedoes)
MODIFICATIONS Advanced Shielding (3), Automated Weapons (16), Faster-Than-Light Drive (Warp Drive), Proton Missiles, Tractor Beam (2), Shield Capacitor
USS PROTECTOR NX-3120 for Starships & Spacemen
Ship type: Cruiser
Crew complement: 320 officers, 900-1000 enlisted
Command Rank: Commander
Power Pile Base: 200 energy units (two full pods)
Teleporter Capacity: 5 at a time
Beam Banks: 3
Ion Torpedoes: 2
Shuttle Ships: 12
Sick Bay Capacity: 60 (emergency to 200)
USS PROTECTOR NX-3120 for X-plorers
Ship Class: 4
Type: Cruiser
Crew: 320 officers, 900-1000 enlisted
Hull Points: 90
Weapon Damage: 3d6 (phasers), 2d8 (photorps), 4d8 (phase cannons)
AC: 14
NPC Skill: 14/12/10+
XP Value: 5,500
Cost Million Cr: 240
Monday, April 9, 2018
Witch & Witchcraft Reading Challenge: Crash Override
"Sometimes you need to burn a bridge while you are still standing on so they know you mean business. ... All us witches, past present and future, need to do better...Suffer us witches to live." - Zoë Quinn
This might seem like a stretch here but stay with me on this. I finished reading Zoë Quinn's Crash Override: How Gamergate (Nearly) Destroyed My Life, and How We Can Win the Fight Against Online Hate, and I am going to make the case this is a book about a modern witch and the witchhunt that came from it.
I want to get into the meat of the book, but let me address the parallels first.
Zoë Quinn began, like many historical witches, as a woman a bit marginalized from the world but found solace, comfort and even expertise in a traditionally "man's space". For the witches of old this was often medical knowledge in a world of male doctors or religious knowledge in a world of male clergy. In any case, she was a woman (or a girl really, she was not much older than my son when this all went down) against a patriarchy. Does that sound like a feminist theory to you? It is ONLY if never actually studied feminist theory or have ever used the word "feminazi" in anything other than a derisive tone. She was attacked and all but pilloried and burned at the stake. Though virtually speaking she was. She even describes the mob after her as a group of "inquisitors". The appropriate name really.
Actions speak louder than words and while I had heard and read the words of these internet inquisitors and gatekeepers of their "culture" I don't for a second believe them. Their claims can be easily dismissed and discarded. There were no witches on Pendle Hill in 1612. No devil in Loudun, France (1634). There was no devil in Salem (1692), no Satanic ritual abuse in the 1980s and no conspiracy in August 2014 to censor video games*. (yes there is more than this, but the trouble is sorting through a metric ton of shit to get to it. This is not the place to detail my last couple of years of "ritual filth" reading about this and going to where they "live".)
But like those times, facts do not matter once the mob smells blood in the water, or online. Quinn is a bit more understanding of her inquisitors, the ones that would see her dead for the audacity of being a woman. I do not extend to them the same benefit of the doubt; I have seen this play out too many times in the exact same way with nearly textbook results.
Zoë Quinn is a witch, an unburnt witch in fact (her nom de' net in fact), and like the best witches of old, her name and exploits will outlive her inquisitors and tormentors.
She spends the first half of her book recounting her love of video games, finding solace online with like-minded people and discovering that she too could build something or make something. There were many times I smiled or laughed out loud because I could relate to exactly to what she was doing and feeling. Then we get to that day in August of 2014 where the mob, spurred on by an abusive ex-boyfriend and some easily dismissed internet rumors decides to act.
I have seen online abuse first hand, I have also stood on the sidelines and watched it unfold like a spectator sport. So it was not without some personal horror that I listened to what she went through.
Honestly, you have to have zero empathy not be moved here. Even IF (in all caps) she did the things she was accused of, it doesn't justify the violent outburst here. (seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people?)
There is some repetition, but this is a memoir, not a research paper. It is told like a memoir, with the unedited bits of a person's messy life left in. And the author is quite upfront about that. In fact listening to it you get the feeling it could have been a "LiveJournal" post AND that is perfectly fine because that is the vibe the author wants. Listen to her words and what she wants, the book is the ultimate expression of that. It is also almost, but not quite, a requiem for a life lost. I can tell you, as a former QMHP, she sounds EXACTLY like people I used to counsel after they had dealt with something traumatic or after a significant period of depression. I do not doubt that these are the words from someone who has in my professional opinion "seen some shit".
The first half had me depressed and sad for this girl. But the second half made happy for the woman she has become and what she has been able to do. Sure, she can never get back that old life. In many ways, her tale is the same of that as someone that has suffered a traumatic disease or accident. In others, it is worse, because she knows if it were not for the actions of others she could go back to that old life and do the things she loved.
The last half of the book's title is "How We Can Win the Fight Against Online Hate" and she talks about what she has done and what she has been doing and freely admits that she is neither equipped or qualified to do the job that needs to be done. I hope she will excuse the Batman allusion here (she has a section "You are not Batman"), but she is the hero we need.
She is open about needing more non-CIS, non-white, non-male voices in this fight. Not that we don't need CIS hetro white males, it's just that people like that, like me, are a dime a dozen. We are. She is open and even empathizes with the mobs of inquisitors that were after her; not wanting them to be subject to same actions she faced. She is very cognizant (maybe painfully so) of the limitations of the tech companies and law enforcement.
To top it all off she built the Crash Override Network to help other victims of online abuse.
This alone is worthy of praise.
In the end, her advice is simple, be better to each other online and try to empathize with the human on the other side of the screen. She knows there is a lot of work to do and this only the start.
Final note. I listened to the audiobook version of this with Zoë Quinn reading it herself. I think that was a great choice for me, to hear her own words in her own voice, but also to get her to do it. She knew when to be funny and when to be sad more than some other narrator.
You can find Zoë Quinn on the web here:
2018 Witch & Witchcraft Reading Challenge
Books Read so far: 2
Level: Initiate
Witches in this book: 1. Keep in mind that "Witch" has never, EVER been an insult in my mind.
Are they Good Witches or Bad Witches: Good, but in her own words, flawed.
Best RPG to Emulate it: NA. But the snarky part of me does want to build a ShadowRun game around this with real trolls and real witches.
Use in WotWQ: Maybe not appropriate, but this was one of many real-life events that got me to write the Aiséiligh Tradition Witch.
Thursday, April 5, 2018
This Old Dragon: Issue #167
Moving ahead to one of the "newer" issues in my collection. This comes to us from the distant past of March 1991. I was a senior in college, but would take another year to finish up my honors courses, my minor and to take a few grad school classes before getting into grad school. I was not really playing much at this point, but still buying and reading a bunch of Ravenloft games and books.
I believe by this time I had printed out the first solid draft of my witch class for 2nd Ed and was revising it more. So without further ado here is March 1991 and this is issue #167 of This Old Dragon.
To the cover. Ok. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate faces on inanimate objects? Cars, trains, especially airplanes. But more than anything TREES! I think it some deep-seated childhood trauma related to both "Wizard of Oz" and "From Hell it Came". My family will taunt me with it by giving trees with faces on them for Halloween. Anyway. The girl on here looks she wandered off from a Clyde Caldwell cover and is slumming here. The artist is Fred Fields.
You can tell this is the 90s Dragon because of all the ads. Mind you I am not complaining; I like the ads. But there are more. More pages in general too.
Given this is the era near 2nd Edition the Dragons all have themes. This one is the Wilderness. I liked the themed issues, gave me something to look forward too.
The Editorial is an interesting one with addresses for you to send something to anyone serving in the US or British military. I guess this is the time of Operation Desert Storm.
Up first is ...holy shit! it's the OSR's very own +Joseph Bloch! (hmm auto-tagging is not working on this). He is up with an article right in his wheel-house, See the Pomarj - and Die! The three page article (four with cover image) is a bit of history on the Pomarj. It even has some details about the Slave Lords and plenty of old-school tables. This is some good stuff that I wish I had known about when running the A-series recently. Ah well.
David Howery is next with Back to the Age of Mammals, taking us back to when the dinosaurs did their disappearing act and the mammals took over. There are a ton of great, untapped and underused creatures. One of my favorites is even here, the Amphicyon. I used my own version for a primitive were-wolf/were-bear hybrid back when I ran Palace of the Silver Princess. This really makes this issue a stand out in my mind.
The Ecology of the Su-Monster would have been something I would have eaten up back in the day. Matthew Schutt gives us an updated version of these monsters and they work. I always liked these little monsters. I ran an adventure where the locals worshiped as a god.
Gregg Chamberlain is next with the Dragon's Bestiary with various plant-based monsters.
Curses are Divine* But their effects on your fantasy hero are horrible! by Mark Keavney which details major and minor divine curses. This is not the curses of the 3rd level spell, these are special and really powerful. Also detailed are the situation where someone can find themselves so cursed.
TSR Previews tells us what is hot for March 1991 and beyond. On the list is RA2 Ravenloft Ship of Horror, a favorite of mine. Though I would always call it "Ship of Fools" after the Robert Plant song.
Arcane Lore by Jeffrey Pettengill has some expansions to the 2nd Ed Necromancer specialty wizard and necromancy spells.
Bruce Heard is back with more Princess Ark. I am planning on collecting these and using some of it for my BECMI Magic School game.
Role of Computers covers the best of 1990. Again, it's hard to review a review of the "State of the Art" of 27 years ago.
Sage Advice covers some Monstrous Compendium Vol II questions and the perennial question of how do I find a gaming group.
Peter Trueman as what he calls "a more realistic approach to fantasy" in Just Give me Money! It's a long article that details maybe than you would want to know about coins. Or maybe it is sort of the detail you like. For me, it is more log-work than I like in my games. Once I ate this stuff up.
Marvel-Phile deals with some of Spider-man's foes from across the pond in England in The Lads from Liverpool. Spiders and Beatles. cute.
Nice big and water-damaged ad for Chill (2nd Edition).
(gotta be honest here. This issue is testing the mettle of my allergy drugs!)
Thomas Kane gives us some NPCs from historical references for an Oriental Adventures game in Lords of the Warring States. We are still in that odd overlap time of 1st and 2nd Editions.
Con Calendar is huge this month.
Ed is back. Am I at a point yet where I can say "Ed" and you all know I mean Ed Greenwood? Instead of his normal conversation with Elminster, he ends up talking to Laeral of Waterdeep. I do not begrudge Ed this, it is always entertaining and even when I didn't like the Realms I liked these articles. This time he is covering the Undermoutain - the King of All Dungeons. Ok. So. It's an ad for the new Undermountain boxed set. Yeah, I can't even be irritated by that.
Role of Books from John C. Bunnell has the best of late winter/early spring 1991 including one that is STILL on my TBR pile, Deryni Magic by Katherine Kurtz. Yeah, Grad School was not conducive to pleasure reading.
And just like that, we are at Dragonmirth. The big feature is The Twilight Realm, which is on part 11. I really know nothing about that strip, I should look into it more.
Ah, here are the small ads and classifieds.
Ok. Not a packed issue, but a lot of great bright spots like Joe's and Bruce's contributions.
I wonder what else I have from this time? Will be fun to see!
I believe by this time I had printed out the first solid draft of my witch class for 2nd Ed and was revising it more. So without further ado here is March 1991 and this is issue #167 of This Old Dragon.
To the cover. Ok. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate faces on inanimate objects? Cars, trains, especially airplanes. But more than anything TREES! I think it some deep-seated childhood trauma related to both "Wizard of Oz" and "From Hell it Came". My family will taunt me with it by giving trees with faces on them for Halloween. Anyway. The girl on here looks she wandered off from a Clyde Caldwell cover and is slumming here. The artist is Fred Fields.
You can tell this is the 90s Dragon because of all the ads. Mind you I am not complaining; I like the ads. But there are more. More pages in general too.
Given this is the era near 2nd Edition the Dragons all have themes. This one is the Wilderness. I liked the themed issues, gave me something to look forward too.
The Editorial is an interesting one with addresses for you to send something to anyone serving in the US or British military. I guess this is the time of Operation Desert Storm.
Up first is ...holy shit! it's the OSR's very own +Joseph Bloch! (hmm auto-tagging is not working on this). He is up with an article right in his wheel-house, See the Pomarj - and Die! The three page article (four with cover image) is a bit of history on the Pomarj. It even has some details about the Slave Lords and plenty of old-school tables. This is some good stuff that I wish I had known about when running the A-series recently. Ah well.
David Howery is next with Back to the Age of Mammals, taking us back to when the dinosaurs did their disappearing act and the mammals took over. There are a ton of great, untapped and underused creatures. One of my favorites is even here, the Amphicyon. I used my own version for a primitive were-wolf/were-bear hybrid back when I ran Palace of the Silver Princess. This really makes this issue a stand out in my mind.
The Ecology of the Su-Monster would have been something I would have eaten up back in the day. Matthew Schutt gives us an updated version of these monsters and they work. I always liked these little monsters. I ran an adventure where the locals worshiped as a god.
Gregg Chamberlain is next with the Dragon's Bestiary with various plant-based monsters.
Curses are Divine* But their effects on your fantasy hero are horrible! by Mark Keavney which details major and minor divine curses. This is not the curses of the 3rd level spell, these are special and really powerful. Also detailed are the situation where someone can find themselves so cursed.
TSR Previews tells us what is hot for March 1991 and beyond. On the list is RA2 Ravenloft Ship of Horror, a favorite of mine. Though I would always call it "Ship of Fools" after the Robert Plant song.
Arcane Lore by Jeffrey Pettengill has some expansions to the 2nd Ed Necromancer specialty wizard and necromancy spells.
Bruce Heard is back with more Princess Ark. I am planning on collecting these and using some of it for my BECMI Magic School game.
Role of Computers covers the best of 1990. Again, it's hard to review a review of the "State of the Art" of 27 years ago.
Sage Advice covers some Monstrous Compendium Vol II questions and the perennial question of how do I find a gaming group.
Peter Trueman as what he calls "a more realistic approach to fantasy" in Just Give me Money! It's a long article that details maybe than you would want to know about coins. Or maybe it is sort of the detail you like. For me, it is more log-work than I like in my games. Once I ate this stuff up.
Marvel-Phile deals with some of Spider-man's foes from across the pond in England in The Lads from Liverpool. Spiders and Beatles. cute.
Nice big and water-damaged ad for Chill (2nd Edition).
(gotta be honest here. This issue is testing the mettle of my allergy drugs!)
Thomas Kane gives us some NPCs from historical references for an Oriental Adventures game in Lords of the Warring States. We are still in that odd overlap time of 1st and 2nd Editions.
Con Calendar is huge this month.
Ed is back. Am I at a point yet where I can say "Ed" and you all know I mean Ed Greenwood? Instead of his normal conversation with Elminster, he ends up talking to Laeral of Waterdeep. I do not begrudge Ed this, it is always entertaining and even when I didn't like the Realms I liked these articles. This time he is covering the Undermoutain - the King of All Dungeons. Ok. So. It's an ad for the new Undermountain boxed set. Yeah, I can't even be irritated by that.
Role of Books from John C. Bunnell has the best of late winter/early spring 1991 including one that is STILL on my TBR pile, Deryni Magic by Katherine Kurtz. Yeah, Grad School was not conducive to pleasure reading.
And just like that, we are at Dragonmirth. The big feature is The Twilight Realm, which is on part 11. I really know nothing about that strip, I should look into it more.
Ah, here are the small ads and classifieds.
Ok. Not a packed issue, but a lot of great bright spots like Joe's and Bruce's contributions.
I wonder what else I have from this time? Will be fun to see!
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Into the Borderlands
I stopped by my favorite local game store, Games Plus, today and picked up my copy of the "new" Goodman Games Into the Borderlands.
It's a huge book.
Almost 400 pages (380) and full of nostalgic content.
There are several essays from people involved with the originals and the new project.
Some full-color panels of the covers and maps.
Inside the covers where they belong!
So interesting tidbits I never saw in the earlier modules.
It compares favorably to the originals, but it's size makes it awkward for the game table. I am hoping that Goodman Games comes out with a PDF so I can just print the sections I want.
This book also has some new spells and some "new" monsters, or really monsters ported over from the Fiend Folio for the most part.
The large number "1" in the upper left-hand corner is quite conspicuous. I am wondering if we will get a "2" with Palace of the Silver Princess and Ilse of Dread? A detailed treatment of B3 Palace of the Silver Princess would be fantastic, to be honest.
Is it worth the $50 price tag? Maybe not to new gamers, but certainly to gamers of my age bracket.
I think it is pretty damn fun in my opinion!
It's a huge book.
Almost 400 pages (380) and full of nostalgic content.
There are several essays from people involved with the originals and the new project.
Some full-color panels of the covers and maps.
Inside the covers where they belong!
So interesting tidbits I never saw in the earlier modules.
It compares favorably to the originals, but it's size makes it awkward for the game table. I am hoping that Goodman Games comes out with a PDF so I can just print the sections I want.
This book also has some new spells and some "new" monsters, or really monsters ported over from the Fiend Folio for the most part.
The large number "1" in the upper left-hand corner is quite conspicuous. I am wondering if we will get a "2" with Palace of the Silver Princess and Ilse of Dread? A detailed treatment of B3 Palace of the Silver Princess would be fantastic, to be honest.
Is it worth the $50 price tag? Maybe not to new gamers, but certainly to gamers of my age bracket.
I think it is pretty damn fun in my opinion!
Areelu Vorlesh, Witch Queen of the Worldwound
I picked up some Pathfinder minis a while back and this succubus in the mix that I did not recognize. She also had a proper name, Areelu Vorlesh. Imagine my joy when I discovered she was not only a succubus (well half succubus) but also a witch!
Turns out she is also a major NPC baddie in Pathfinder, the primary architect of the Worldwound in Golarion. I am not sure what happens to her there, but she would really be a perfect addition to my War of the Witch Queens. Plus I already have her mini! Now I just need a Wayne Reynolds print on my wall.
Her Pathfinder stats are crazy. She is a 10th level witch, 10th level demoniac and an 8th level archmage. Plus she has a lot of her half-succubus powers. She has some truly outrageous stats too.
Areelu Vorlesh
The human that would become the witch Areelu Vorlesh has been lost to time. It was known that she was a witch in Deskari’s cult. She was researching the nature of the separation of the worlds and planes (Plot hook!). It was her success at opening the Worldwound that caused her Patron to transform her into a half-fiend.
Areelu Vorlesh (28th level witch)
The Witch
Hit Points: 73
Alignment: Chaotic (Evil)
AC: -2 (Bracers of Defense, +3 Amulet of Protection)
Occult Powers (Malefic Tradition)
Familiar: "Gimcrak" (Quasit, Enhanced)
7th level: Evil's Touch
13th level: Devil's Tongue
19th level: Curse
25th level: Polymorph Other
Succubus Powers
Fly (at normal movement rate).
Drain Constitution (1 point).
Immune to fire damage and poison.
Half damage from cold and electricity.
Takes double damage from "holy" items.
Cantrips (7): Arcane Mark, Detect Curse, Ghost Sound, Mend Minor Wounds, Message, Spark, Summon Vermin
First (8+3): Bewitch I, Cause Fear, Charm Person, Command, Increase Sex Appeal, Mend Light Wounds, Protect Familiar, Quicken Healing, Shattering the Hourglass, Silver Tongue, Spirit Dart
Second (8+2): Ecstasy, Enhanced Familiar, Enthrall, Evil Eye, Hold Person, Invisibility, Phantasmal Spirit, Rite of Remote Seeing, Scare, Twisting the Heartstrings II
Third (7+2): Bestow Curse, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Enlarge Familiar, Feral Spirit, Fly, Ghost Ward, Tongues, Witch Wail
Fourth (7+2): Abomination, Charm Monster, Confusion, Divine Power, Intangible Cloak of Shadows, Moonlit Way, Phantom Lacerations, Spiritual Dagger, Withering Touch
Fifth (6): Baleful Polymorph, Feeblemind, Greater Command, Nightmare, Teleport, Waves of Fatigue
Sixth (6): Bewitch VI, Break the Spirit, Geas, Mass Suggestion, Repulsion, True Seeing
Seventh (5): Draw Forth the Soul, Eternal Charm Monster, Maze, Binding Ritual (Ritual), Gate (Ritual)
Eighth (5): Bewitch VIII, Damming Stare, Destroy Life, Wail of the Banshee, Imprisonment (Ritual)
So this version of Areelu Vorlesh is pretty powerful, though still not as powerful as the Pathfinder version (551 hp!) but still a very formidable foe and a worthy Witch Queen.
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A trio of wicked witches, Iggwilv, Areelu, and Skylla |
Her Pathfinder stats are crazy. She is a 10th level witch, 10th level demoniac and an 8th level archmage. Plus she has a lot of her half-succubus powers. She has some truly outrageous stats too.
Areelu Vorlesh
The human that would become the witch Areelu Vorlesh has been lost to time. It was known that she was a witch in Deskari’s cult. She was researching the nature of the separation of the worlds and planes (Plot hook!). It was her success at opening the Worldwound that caused her Patron to transform her into a half-fiend.
Areelu Vorlesh (28th level witch)
The Witch
Strength: | 14 | Death Ray, Poison | 3 | |
Dexterity: | 18 | Magic Wands | 4 | |
Constitution: | 18 | Paralysis, Polymorph or Turn to Stone | 3 | |
Intelligence: | 18 | Dragon Breath | 6 | |
Wisdom: | 18 | Rods, Staffs, Spells | 5 | |
Charisma: | 19 |
Alignment: Chaotic (Evil)
AC: -2 (Bracers of Defense, +3 Amulet of Protection)
Occult Powers (Malefic Tradition)
Familiar: "Gimcrak" (Quasit, Enhanced)
7th level: Evil's Touch
13th level: Devil's Tongue
19th level: Curse
25th level: Polymorph Other
Succubus Powers
Fly (at normal movement rate).
Drain Constitution (1 point).
Immune to fire damage and poison.
Half damage from cold and electricity.
Takes double damage from "holy" items.
Cantrips (7): Arcane Mark, Detect Curse, Ghost Sound, Mend Minor Wounds, Message, Spark, Summon Vermin
First (8+3): Bewitch I, Cause Fear, Charm Person, Command, Increase Sex Appeal, Mend Light Wounds, Protect Familiar, Quicken Healing, Shattering the Hourglass, Silver Tongue, Spirit Dart
Second (8+2): Ecstasy, Enhanced Familiar, Enthrall, Evil Eye, Hold Person, Invisibility, Phantasmal Spirit, Rite of Remote Seeing, Scare, Twisting the Heartstrings II
Third (7+2): Bestow Curse, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Enlarge Familiar, Feral Spirit, Fly, Ghost Ward, Tongues, Witch Wail
Fourth (7+2): Abomination, Charm Monster, Confusion, Divine Power, Intangible Cloak of Shadows, Moonlit Way, Phantom Lacerations, Spiritual Dagger, Withering Touch
Fifth (6): Baleful Polymorph, Feeblemind, Greater Command, Nightmare, Teleport, Waves of Fatigue
Sixth (6): Bewitch VI, Break the Spirit, Geas, Mass Suggestion, Repulsion, True Seeing
Seventh (5): Draw Forth the Soul, Eternal Charm Monster, Maze, Binding Ritual (Ritual), Gate (Ritual)
Eighth (5): Bewitch VIII, Damming Stare, Destroy Life, Wail of the Banshee, Imprisonment (Ritual)
So this version of Areelu Vorlesh is pretty powerful, though still not as powerful as the Pathfinder version (551 hp!) but still a very formidable foe and a worthy Witch Queen.
Monday, April 2, 2018
Monstrous Mondays: AI Generated Monsters
Over the weekend I was reading about scientist Janelle Shane feeding a bunch of 2nd Ed Monsters into a neural network...the results are, well... here Dr. Shane to tell us her results.
Personally, I think these are great!
My faves are "Owlborn", "Spectral Slug" and "Vampire Bear".
But my heart goes out to, "Durp Snake" and I am dying to know what the hell a "Spectral Woof Greepy" is.
She is doing more. She has some Google forms you can add your own information too.
I trained a neural network to generate new Dungeons and Dragons creatures, based on a dataset of 2,205 from the 2nd edition monster manual.— Janelle Shane (@JanelleCShane) March 23, 2018
Personally, I think these are great!
My faves are "Owlborn", "Spectral Slug" and "Vampire Bear".
But my heart goes out to, "Durp Snake" and I am dying to know what the hell a "Spectral Woof Greepy" is.
She is doing more. She has some Google forms you can add your own information too.
- Tell the neural network about your D&D character
- Neural networks want to hear your D&D character's backstory
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