Saturday, March 18, 2023

#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 3, Room 18

Taking the left turn you continue down the hallway there is a door to your immediate right (18), and another further down to the left (19). The door to the right is open.  

Room 18

This is a much larger cell, and inside are 6 Human Fighters (level 3, Chaotic).  They all wear platemail (AC 4) and carry swords (1d8+1).  Their hp are 16, 13, 11, 11, 10, 9.

Fighter #1 (16hp) has a dagger +1 that he will use if combat is going against them.

They have a total of 250 pp, 800 gp, 1,250 ep, 220 sp, and 3,000 cp.  This is the group that has been looting the dungeon ahead of the characters. Adjust their number and hp as needed. 

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