This blog is the "reincarnation" of my old The Other Side website from the dawn of the Web. I like to write about role-playing games, particularly old-school ones, D&D and horror games. I post a lot of character write-ups, I love witches and magic.
I am participating in this blogging challenge for the same reasons I am blogging to begin with; to help improve my ability as a writer. Challenges like these help stretch those creative muscles and hopefully get me to write about stuff I might not normally do.
I am not alone in this challenge. I am going to be following all these blogs, some of which I only know about because of this challenge. Please join me in watch and reading these blogs.
- B/X Blackrazor
- Gaming All Over the Place
- Lands of Ara
- Sword +1
- Sea of Stars
- Places to Go, People to Be (still one of my favorite RPG sayings ever)
- Old School Heretic
- Porky's Expanse!
- Asshat Paladins
- Grognardia
- Grubb Street
- The Dump Stat
- A Hamsterish Hoard of Dungeons and Dragons
- Calvin's Canadian Cave of Coolness
- Risus Monkey
Ands a few new blogs to me that are also participating.
- City of Iron
- Tower of the Archmage
- The Jovial Priest
- There's Dungeons Down Under
- Quickly, Quietly, Carefully
- No Signal
- Redwald
- Nine and Thirty Kingdoms
- Lasgunpacker
- Appendix N
- The Underworld Kingdom
- Alien Shores
I also plan to see what other posts they may have that came before this challenge.
The Risus Monkey has thrown his hat into the ring. My first A to Z post will be this afternoon.
I'm going to do this as well on my blog, and yes I realize I'm a bit late. :)
Er... wrong URL. Sorry. :)
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