Saturday, August 17, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 An engaging RPG community

 There are a few I really enjoy.


The OSR RPG group on Facebook is a great group to find OSR players and developers who are not freaked out by what new games are doing. Plus, this is a nice counterpoint to the "all OSR players are sexist/racist Grognards living in the past."

Puerto Rico Role Players

Puerto Rico Role Players on Facebook has been a great group. All games are discussed and it has given me a chance to practice my Spanish. And they are very forgiving of my "Pre-School" level Spanish grammar.

Others that are also quite good.

I'd Rather Be Killing Monsters for general RPGs, Movies, TV, and other Geek-related topics. 

RPG Blog Hub for everything happening on RPG Blogs.

Love RPGs for RPG-related topics. 

Victorian Gamers Association for all sorts of Victorian-era RPGs.


I am participating in Dave Chapman's #RPGaDAY2024 for August. 


1 comment:

Tim Knight said...

Thank you for including our little group under the "quite good" banner ;-)

Also, thank you for the OSR group recommendation - I'd retreated from most over the past year, but this sounds like one I might find less grim.