Sunday, June 24, 2012

EN World Game Day Chicago 32

Once again I am going to be running a game at EN World Game Day Chicago!

I'll be running Ghosts of Albion: Blight. I have had requests to run this one, so here it is for what might be the last time.  Working on some new adventures.

Here is the blurb for the game:

Ghosts of Albion: Blight
Ireland is dying. 
Her Protector has been murdered and you are the primary suspects. Can you clear your name, regain your magic and stop whatever necromancies befoul the land? Time is short, yours and one million lives hang in the balance. Set in 1847 this is an adventure for the Ghosts of Albion RPG.

Game System: Cinematic Unisystem
Rules Edition: Ghosts of Albion
Players: Minimum 5-6, Max 8.
Minimum Age: Teen (13+) (PG for some violence, and problem solving)
Experience Required: None (never played before), some knowledge of "Ghosts of Albion" is helpful.
Materials Provided: Yes, materials are provided for this game. You do not need to bring your own.  One d10 is needed.

There is a sign-up thread over at EN World,

I have an afternoon slot 3:30pm to 8:30pm on Saturday, July 14 at Games Plus in Mount Prospect, IL.
You can read more about Chicago Game Day here,

Hope to see you there!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Zatannurday: Strikes-Twice Cosplay

Back in the start of June I posted some random Zatanna Cosplayers.  One that really got my attention was Strikes-Twice on Deviant art.
I loved her style and thought she made a great Zatanna.

She tells us on her DeviantArt site that loves Zatanna and she is her favorite "DC Chick".  I can't disagree.
So here are some of her pics.  Please enjoy!

AH! Zatanna by ~strikes-twice on deviantART

Party time, tnellecxe! by ~strikes-twice on deviantART

Deviant ID 1.0 by ~strikes-twice on deviantART

Showstopper! Zatanna and Catwoman by ~strikes-twice on deviantART

Spellaholic. by ~strikes-twice on deviantART

Z VS. H by ~strikes-twice on deviantART

Cats and Wands by ~strikes-twice on deviantART

OOH MR. BATMAN OOH by ~strikes-twice on deviantART

So stop by her page to see more and say hi!

Friday, June 22, 2012

New Game, New World

I am gearing up for my new game.  I posted about it already a couple days back.  Since then I have picked up another new player.

What I have been considering for this game is moving it away from my normal world of Mystoerth to something new. Or at least new for me. I am considering, very seriously, the Forgotten Realms.

I talked about this a while back. I picked up the Player's Guide then, and just got the Campaign Guide.
I own some Realms books as PDFs. They were one of the things I grabbed in the mad dash before DriveThru took them all down.

I mentioned before that I was never a fan of the Realms. I considered it to be a pretender to Greyhawk and not a very worthy one at that.  In fact one of the first examples of my own Nerd Rage was how Anti-Realms I used to be because it took the spotlight away from my beloved Greyhawk.

I picked up the 3.0 Realms Guide when it came out and I admit I liked it. I felt it was a good book and all it really was missing was monsters. The new 4e campaign books are a good model too. Though this time I feel I have enough monsters.

But what I like the most about the 4e Realms book is how completely gonzo it is. Smash two planets together to get one world! I love that! Spell plagues? Bring it on!  Races from Abeir now showing up? Fantastic!

I will be honest.  I know next to nothing about the Realms.  Nada. Zip.
Never read the novels, never played in the Realms EVER.

In fact most of what I know comes not from books or games, but from Wikipedia and the Forgotten Realms Wiki.

Normally I think this would be an issue. But since I am using the 4e material and it is about 100 years after all the events in 3e, not to mention world-changing events at that, that it is ok if that the players know nothing.  All I need to worry about is their local part of the world.
The iconic NPCs are never going to show up, nor in fact will my sons' characters from our 3.x game.
I want this story to be about these characters right now.

I am also still planning to use the HPE modules for these characters to fight Orcus.   Since it is the Realms I am going to add some of the materials from the old H-series, The Bloodstone Wars.

So here are my questions to those of you far more familiar with the Realms than me.

  • Should I read over any of the older material?
  • Where is a good place to start the characters?  IE.  What is "The Village of Hommlet" for the Realms?
  • Anything I should about running the Realms say as opposed to running Greyhawk?

I am feeling really excited about this and want it to work out well.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I Don't Want No Civil War....

But this one is pretty cool.

MWP has their next Marvel Heroic Roleplaying book out and it covers the big Marvel Civil War arc.

Now, I'll be honest I didn't care for the Civil War story.  But this book does look cool and it adds more heroes for your game.

The books come in two flavors.
The Essentials edition just covers the new material.
The Premium Edition includes the Essentials plus the material from the Basic Game.

I grabbed the Essentials.  But I'll pick through the Premium if it has material updated from the Basic game.

While I didn't care for the story in Civil War it did give us one of the best Cap and Spidey panels in existence.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

First Day of Summer, celebrate with Fire

So last Winter's Solstice I posted a bunch of pictures of DC's Ice.  Well today I'll post her partner and other favorite of my oldest son, Fire.

fire league justice by ~victormanga on deviantART

Fire Fight by *CandelaGreene on deviantART

A fiery Bea by ~brilliant-beatrice on deviantART

Blazing Fire_no text by ~Mancomb-Seepwood on deviantART

Fire by ~Lamzao on deviantART

Fire Wallpaper by ~Ziggyman on deviantART

Enjoy your Summer!

White Dwarf Wednesday

Will be a bit delayed today (maybe till tomorrow).

I just got back into town from a business trip and am woefully behind on everything.

Latest Drama Bomb

Well I go away out of town for a couple of days and there is yet another drama bomb dropped on the RPG community.

If you have not heard it yet, well, look around it will surface somewhere else to be sure.

Even though this is a the exact sorta thing I'd normally through my hat into, I am lacking the motivation to do so.

I will say this though.

If I don't like your product, game and even to a degree you as a human being (I never claimed to be with out bias) then I won't buy your product.  That's it. That's my worst threat.

I am not going boycott it or your publisher.  I might write a bad review if I do buy it.  But that is fair.
I am not going to declare you "my enemy" (enemy? really? What are we, 12 years old?)

I DO understand the original complaint and I DO agree with it.  I don't agree with the actions they are trying to do.

Ok, I didn't want to rant or get involved, so I'll stop here.