I made a few new choices about some of the features here on Ye Ole' Other Side blog today. Well...I have been planning these for a bit, but this morning over what has appeared to be one too many cups of coffee the ideas finally jelled.
I have been calling 2025 The Year of Fantasy RPGs, and this is going to continue. One of the ideas I had for this year was to do the April A to Z of Fantasy RPGs. I have a bunch ready to go, but only three written. To provide a full and proper review for a post like what I want takes a lot of reading and about a week's worth of writing here and there. So, it's not really something I want to cram into a month for 26 different games.
My goal was also to find games people could play that could, in a sense, replace D&D on their tables for a bit. Like I have said, I love D&D, and I likely always will, but there are a lot of games out there that are equally deserving of our attention. I can't do that in the way I want by only focusing on a bunch of games for a month.
Also, I have, for a while now, been pretty sour on the idea of supporting others' Kickstarters with my "Kickstart Your Weekend" feature. I mean honestly to be rather blunt about it. I spent a lot of time letting people know about Kickstarters, only to watch the ones I was part of creating not hit the levels I wanted. Selfish? Maybe. Pissy? Certainly. But I have to support the home team more. Yeah, I am still reviewing other people's games, but that feels different to me.
All these combined have led me to my new feature, Fantasy Fridays. Each Friday over the rest of this year I will try to cover a Fantasy RPG in detail. I love reading these and making new characters so this could be a lot of fun. I would allow myself a little more flexibility regarding "fantasy" too. In June, I like to talk about Sci-Fi games, so this would be perfect for a Sci-Fi Fantasy game. I have a few others that are not 100% pure fantasy, but still would work fine.
I am still trying to clean up and publish all these works in progress I have collected over the years, so that will also continue (new one on Monday!).
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