Monday, December 30, 2024

Looking Forward to 2025: FRPGs, Thirteen Parsecs, and Basic Bestiary

 We are nearing the end of 2024. I did not get as much done here as I wanted. That is sort of my theme for 2024, really. Since I had no specific plans for 2025, I will continue with some threads started here in 2024. But I am going to go into some newer areas too.


Fantasy RPGs

This upcoming year I want to focus more on other, non-D&D, Fantasy RPGs. I still love D&D, I am just tired of the conversations around D&D. I am still playing. I am still enjoying it; I am just going to play and enjoy other games as well. 

I *will* talk about how these games can provide a "D&D-like experience" because I am sure that a lot of my readers here are still reading for D&D-related content.

Forgotten Realms

I still want to work through all my Forgotten Realms material and talk about it in terms of my own history of the game. I enjoyed it too much to put aside.

The Enchanted World

I also want to keep working through all my Enchanted World books. I wanted to finish them all in 2024, but that didn't happen. 

Thirteen Parsecs and Wasted Lands

I plan on doing more with these games in 2025. Gotta support the home team.

Basic Bestiary

Ok, this is the big one. I wanted to get this done. I have the monsters written, edited, and ready to go. What I am lacking is art. Monster books need a lot of art, and art is expensive. I am not 100% convinced that a huge monster book would make enough to cover the costs of the art. 

So I am thinking of breaking it up into smaller chunks now, a little like my Myths & Monsters (for AD&D) and my ill-fated Monstrous Maleficarum (for 5e). The goal will be to put a few monsters in a volume with art I have now, and I hope to make enough to buy art for the next one. As business plans go, it is not a great one, but it will do. 

My brain automatically goes to themes. I hope I can do that here. So a collection of hags, then of demons, and more. I am not going to try to kill myself to get one done a week, but I do want to get a few out in 2025.


Well. Here's to a better 2025!

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