Sunday, October 1, 2023

ITS OCTOBER!! RPG Blog Carnival and Horror Movie Marathon

 It's October here at that Other Side, and you know what that means!

I have a TON going on, so let's get going.

Photo by Toni Cuenca:
Photo by Toni Cuenca:

RPG Blog Carnival

It has been my pleasure to host the RPG Blog Carnival in the past, and I am happy to do it again this October the spookiest of all months.

This month my topic is Horrors, Gods, and Monsters

I am going to spend some time talking about monsters, myths, gods, and all sorts of horrors. Additionally, I am going to present my take on the Deities & Demigods II concept I have been working on.

While I have been doing a bit of work on all of them, I think the one I am ready to share is my Roman-Norse Pantheon in Deities & Demigods format. While I have not settled on a name for the pantheon just yet I am leaning into something like "The Black Forest Mythos" or "Der/The Schwarzwald Mythos."  Not exactly original, but it does capture the right feel. 

I have gods, and, yes, monsters to share for this project, and hoping that October will be my month to bring it all to light.

If you want to participate in the RPG Blog Carnival on this topic, just post what you want (that concerns this topic) and share your link below. Or share it on social media with the #RPGBlogCarnival hashtag, and feel free to tag me.  I'll do a round-up of all the posts in November.

RPG Blog Carnival

Horror Movie Marathon

This year, I am pleased to join the 31 Days of Halloween Movie Challenge from Pun Issac over at Hall of the Nephilim

31 Days of Halloween Movie Challenge

Here is the text version:

Daily Prompt

  1. First Time Watch
  2. Reanimated
  3. Mother Nature Strikes Back
  4. Foreign Language
  5. What A Twist
  6. Anthology
  7. Teen Angst
  8. Horror Comedy
  9. Slow Burn
  10. Body Horror
  11. For The Kiddos
  12. Black and White
  13. Inspired By True Events
  14. We Are the Weirdos Mister
  15. Pretty Blood Suckers
  16. Something Fishy
  17. Underrated
  18. Clown(s)
  19. Folk Horror
  20. Monstrous Blood Suckers
  21. Summer Camp
  22. Howl at the Moon
  23. Best Soundtrack
  24. Slasher
  25. Found Footage
  26. New Movie
  27. Favorite Horror Director
  28. Sci-Fi Horror
  29. Man is the Real Monster
  30. Remake Is Better Than the Original
  31. All Hallows Eve


  • Torture Porn
  • Blaxploitation
  • Video Game Movie
  • Cults
  • Best Gratuitous Nudity 

A few of these might be re-watches.  I wanted to do all Spanish language horror this year, but I might still get some in. I am not as far along in my Spanish as I had hoped.

This year the rules will be a little different for me. Instead of watching 31+ movies with 20 new I'll be following Pun's list above. 

Want to join us? Just watch some movies!


Still doing this! Interesting note. Nearly every room in this is based on something I have encountered in my day, typically on my walks with my wife every night. October is going to my "Temple of Really Bad Dead Things" month. If you know the reference, then you are doing good! And likely need to schedule your colonoscopy. 


  1. "If you know the reference, then you are doing good! And likely need to schedule your colonoscopy."

    This hits home. :)

    Looking forward to seeing what you present this month! I hope you do dip into some films en espanol (I would add a tilde there but am afraid I'd screw up its implementation in HTML or whatever exactly Blogger uses) wife and I are trying our hand at it ourselves these days and could use some incidental learning!

  2. I joined the Carnival with

  3. Fantastic! Looking forward to seeing what you do.

  4. does this work? It's my ideas for rules for making monsters out of lost adventurers

  5. Hey - Here's my entry for the carnival - d8 natures of this quasi-godlike entity

  6. A small and, perhaps, horrible monster, the Thornkin as my contribution:

    Though I have a bunch of monster and horror adjacent game master characters this month as well.

  7. Hold the presses! It took me a little longer than expected, but here I am! A quick glance into the darkness of Eberron through its very own horrors, gods and monsters. I hope everyone will find it enticing enough to spark your curiosity about my favorite campaign setting.

  8. Fantastic.
    It's double perfect for me since I have been taking Spanish all year.

  9. I almost forgot to add my Carnival entry! Here's a whole mess of tables you can use to spruce up your next encounter with skeletons.


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