Sunday, October 23, 2022

October Horror Movie Challenge: Godzilla Night

Godzilla vs. Hedorah
I do love getting a few Godzilla or Kaiju movies in. I thought why not three different versions of the King of Monsters, Godzilla.

Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971)

Also known as Godzilla vs the Smog Monster this movie is what you get when the writers of Godzilla start to worry about pollution. Now Godzilla has always been social commentary, but this one seems a bet heavy-handed, and the monster...well Hedorah is just silly.  Still, I had good memories of this one as a kid and the battles for the most part hold up.

The teens in this one seem like some sort of nihilist hippies. Thinking the world will end due to pollution (we will burn ourselves up first!) and deciding to have one last party on Mt. Fuji. Plus we get a rare spotting of Godzilla's ability to telepathically communicate with children. 

No, it is not good, even by cheesy late 1960s, early 1970s Toho standards. But it is still fun.

I still can't get that "Save the Earth" song out of my head from the English dubbed version. I watched the subbed version and it has the equally ear-wormy original version, "Return the Sun."

Shin Godzilla (2016)

This is the 3rd reboot of the Godzilla franchise. This one reminded me a lot of the original Gojira from 1954. Godzilla in this one looks really freaky, going through three different forms is really cool. I am not 100% sure about him firing lasers out of his tail.  Speaking of tails, I am also not sure about the budding of other monsters of his tail. I do like how weird and creepy it is. I rather enjoyed it to be honest.

Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)

The American Godzilla, but at least this series is better than the old Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich version from 1998. This one pits the King of Monsters against the...King of Monsters. This is the 4th movie in Legendary Films Monsterverse and was inspired by the 1962 King Kong vs. Godzilla. This one deals with using Kong to find an opening to the Hollow Earth. Kong and Godzilla are natural enemies and once Kong is off of Skull Island Godzill hunts him down. 

While this is going on an evil corporation is taking what is left of Ghidorah to build a Mecha-Godzilla. This is good, because now we don't have to figure out who would win between Kong and Godzilla. 

All three have been great all for different reasons.

Shin Godzilla (2016) Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)

October Horror Movie Challenge 2022
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October Horror Movie Challenge 2022

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