Thursday, January 13, 2022

Mail Call: Art Package from Djinn

One of the things I feel is my privilege is the ability to share with you my readers and friends all the new and wonderful artists I can find.  I love getting art and if I can help out an artist on the way, well that is even better. 

But when the artist shares something with me?  That is the best of all!

So imagine my delight when the postman rings my doorbell today to have me sign for a package from Italy!

Art Merch is Here! from Djinn in the Shade

And what a package it is!

I had just featured some art from Djinn in the Shade this morning on my Dirty Nellie write-up.  She was the first artist I have ever had make some art for Nell.

And here is what I got!

Art by Djinn in the Shade

Witches going to their Sabbat by Djinn, Art by Djinn in the Shade

This one is one of my favorites and it is based on Witches going to their Sabbath (1878), by Luis Ricardo Falero.  It features her OC sorceress Solaine (who is her Pathfinder/D&D character and star of her own comic strip) and my witch Larina.  There is an uncensored one as well. 

Art by Djinn in the Shade

Art by Djinn in the Shade

Stickers! by Djinn in the Shade

Djinn also featured our witches in jail in a new bit of art this week to mark her "shadow ban" from Instagram for having "inappropriate art."  

Larina and Solaine in time out

So I am thrilled to death with these!

You can find Djinn on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram (for now!), and most of all on her Pateron site. She was also one of my first Featured Artists here.

Thank you my friend for such wonderful art!


  1. Looks nice enough, but maybe consider a NSFW tag in the title for any of your readers browsing from work? Not all employers will be chill about that artwork, and nobody wants to have HR on their ass.

    Unless your personal ethics demand that anyone randomly poking around the web while they're on the clock deserve a hassle. I'm not quite that harsh myself, but I can see grounds for the argument.

  2. Yeah. I guess I had not really thought about that.


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