Friday, June 18, 2021

Kickstart Your Weekend: Calidar "Alfdaín Ascendant"

I am a huge fan of Bruce Heard's work.  Ever since I picked up GAZ3 The Principalities of Glantri I have followed his work through his modules and the Voyages of the Princess Ark series in Dragon. 

His Calidar setting is a wonderful distillation of his career into a single setting.  So for me, it really works.

So when he has a new Kickstart up and it features warring elves in living ships...well I am going to pay attention!

Calidar "Alfdaín Ascendant"


And there is a lot to pay attention to in this one!

So far he has Thorfinn Tait doing the maps. Jeff Easley tentatively for the cover art. Joseph Garcia doing the internal illustrations (b/w inks) and Janet Deaver-Pack line and text editing.  So a great team.

The pledge includes:

  • A Gazetteer: 132 pages color, PDF format or printed (hardcover or softcover). This book is already written and most of its maps are in their final states as of mid-May 2021.
  • A Players’ Guide: About 24-28 pages, color, PDF format or softcover
  • An Adventure Book: 24-68 pages, color, PDF format or softcover. Final page count will depend on stretch goals during the crowdfunding event. The more backers, the greater the adventure for the same price.
  • Two Conversion Booklets: About 24 pages each, color, PDF format or softcover. They provide all game stats from the previous three titles specifically for use with Labyrinth LordTM and OSRICTM.

Bruce really has his Kickstarters down to a well-oiled machine and I have been very, very pleased with what I have gotten in the past.  And now that I have SpellJammer I have a LOT of ideas for this.

Honestly, I could get this just for the elves, but it all sounds fantastic.

I want the Hardcover version, but the softcover would fit in with all the other books I am using in and around Calidar.  

The Kickstarter is doing great, but there are all those fantastic-looking stretch goals too.

This is another one of those projects that Kickstart was really made for.  Top-notch creative with big visions and the ability to get those visions realized, they just need a little help to get the ball rolling.

So back this one!


  1. Do you think there is a chance that Bruce might publish the adjustments he's making to on his blog? I'd love to have a containing these changes and the classes he's brought into the game as well.


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