Tuesday, October 20, 2020

It's Free Witches!

 OR...Make that a Free Witch.

Right now DriveThruRPG (and all the OneBookshelf "DriveThru" sites) are having their Halloween Sales.

Now, normally I would be telling you which one of my Witch books are on sale.  And I will, but I have something EVEN BETTER.

Right now if you go on to DriveThruRPG's site you will find witches hats, jack-o-lanterns, ghosts and more to get a free download.

One of those free downloads is my The Basic Witch: The Pumpkin Spice Witch Tradition!

I could tell you where, but that would ruin all the fun!  Trust me it is there and the Basic Witch, the Pumpkin Spice Witch Tradition is now FREE until the end of this month November 2nd.

Grab it and see what I do.

Also, there are plenty of great sales going on.

In addition to the Pumpkin Spice Witch being free several of my other books are on sale.

Help me celebrate my FAVORITE holiday by adding something witchy to your games.


  1. Thank you for this. I found about 10 or 11 items. Crazy.

  2. Thanks for the heads-up about the free stuff!

    I was wishing for a preview of your Pumpkin Spice, and there it is.

    Also an fyi to others, each affiliated site offers different freebies. They will combine your carts, so log into each site separately because stuff is only free at the original site. For instance, Pumpkin Spice was free on DrivethruRPG, not DMSGUILD or DRIVETHRUCARDS.

  3. Dude, the witch character content you linked isn't free. Saw it before and thought that it was free if you clicked here, but it isn't.

  4. @Marcoasalaz

    It is free. I said above "I could tell you where, but that would ruin all the fun! Trust me it is there and the Basic Witch, the Pumpkin Spice Witch Tradition is now FREE until November 2nd."

    Today is November 2nd and in today's post, I give you detailed instructions on how to get it for free. As of this writing, 1,213 others found it for free, so it is there.


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