Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The OSE Warlock, In Print

I interrupt BECMI Week to give you something decidedly B/X.

It took a bit, but now you can get The Warlock for Old-School Essentials in print, both in hard-cover and soft-cover!

I am very pleased with how they came out and they look fantastic.

The contents of both versions are the same, so no need to worry about which one to get.

They look great with the Old-School Essentials books.

The hard-cover even fits into your OSE box!

It is 100% compatible with my Swords & Wizardry Warlock book.  Combine them for even more warlock powers, pacts and spells.

Or combine it with my Craft of the Wise Witch Book for Old-School Essentials for even more spells.

It is the latest, but not yet the last, of the books in my Basic-Era Games line of Witchcraft traditions.

Back to BECMI posts later today.


  1. Tim,

    Is there any chance the other older books might be printed in hardcover as well to have a matching set??? That would be awesome and I would totally re-buy them :)

  2. It takes quite a bit of time to make new covers and there is an expense involved.

    IF I do, I'll try it out for one and see how it works.


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