Friday, April 3, 2020

Old School meets New Tech and vice versa

A couple of neat things happening here at the Ole' Brannan Family Game Dungeon this week.

My kids are missing their weekly D&D games in this quarantine time so tonight they will be running a D&D game over Roll20.  We took the plunge and bought a Pro account.  We will see how it will go.  If they like it I might even try it myself.

So while they are using new tech to run an "old" game. I just a new copy of an old game.
My friend Greg heard I no longer had my copy of the original FASA Trek game. Lost in one of my moves between college and grad school I am sure.  So here is what he sent me.

So looking forward to this! 

I am thinking I might have to recreate two of my earliest characters, Dr. Scott Elders, CMO and genetics expert, and his "Nurse" Friday who is, in reality, one of his experiments/creations.

They were created after a 1982 double shot of "Wrath of Khan" and the augments and reading "Friday" by Robert A. Heinlein.   I guess this fits in with the "old-new" theme as well.  This is a 1982 book about the 21st Century.  A Balkanized North America doesn't sound as improbable as it did then.

One of my favorite Michael Whelan covers.


  1. Read the book Friday twice... recognized the image

  2. I read Friday when it came out. So long ago that I only have vague memories of it. I recognized the cover immediately. I still have my FASA Star Trek though. I could never find anyone to play it though and haven't looked at the rules since the '80s.

  3. I’m still waiting in you to send me those characters and looks like you have your version of Data in Friday but more of a Picard version!


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