Friday, July 28, 2017

Kickstart Your Weekend: Cauldrons and Gaslight

Two projects that strike at the sweet spots in my heart.  Witches and Victorian Fantasy!

First up is one I should have told you all about weeks ago.

Gaslight Victorian Fantasy 3e for Savage Worlds

Savage Worlds is not my jam, but it is a really good fit for the Gaslight World.  If I were to play Savage Worlds again it would be in the Gaslight World.

Next up is a board game about witches, so you know I am in!

Cauldron: Bubble and Boil Board Game

I have to admit it looks ridiculously fun.  Check out the game play videos and reviews on the KS page.

I hope to have more about both projects in future posts.


  1. Just by the way, have you checked out The Worst Witch series on Netflix? I know it's probably a little young for your kids, but I watched the first episode tonight (with mine) and I have to say I dig it a lot more than that Harry Potter tripe.

  2. I'm watching Worst Witch now. Just me, no kids. I find it to be entertaining and worth a watch ��I Also, thanks for the plug


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