Sunday, August 7, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 7

What aspect of Roleplaying Games has had the biggest effect on you?

The writing really.  I wanted certain books or content to play and it was not out there, so I had make it myself.  In the process, I had to write and I had to get better at it.

Never thought I would be in a place where I am writing every day because I wanted to and even other people wanted me to.

Also, I have to admit the friendships I have made over the years have made a huge impact on my life and my kids love playing.

1 comment:

  1. It allowed us to build (and "flesh-out") many characters and Game-worlds...
    also (even though we studied much in our youth, always was having to read up on geology, Earth sciences, as well as my own studies in ancient cultures)... All of this accumulated knowledge.. and was of little use to us in our life... but,creation of D&D worlds and the cultures (any creature, of ,even Low intelligence was given a cultural-existence based upon their intelligence level and add in their own "Racial" aspects, thus, we created many an interesting race of creatures...
    We do enjoy your posts, good Sir...


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