Wednesday, August 3, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 3

What is something you have done with your game character that you are the proudest of?

I have so many characters, but it is my iconic witch Larina I am most proud of.  She has been my playtest character for every witch book I have ever done and have multiple versions of her over many different systems.

She is also the character I have the most art of.  Here is my newest one.


  1. not on topic per se but I remember that you posted the kickstarter for leagues of gothic horror a while back along with a leagues of adventure review. first i'd like to thank you for getting me into the game, it's fantastic. second I was wondering if you had gotten a copy of leagues of gothic horror yet and what you review of it is. I'm hoping to get it soon and i did get globetrotter's guide to gothic horror which had some wonderful magic rules and i was hoping to see your opinion of it before i buckled down and bought gothic horror and all it's supplements

  2. Hey! When I get back from Gen Con I'll try to get to this.

  3. Hey! When I get back from Gen Con I'll try to get to this.


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