Tuesday, May 17, 2016

I might never be clean (mentally) again....

So for the last couple of days I have been doing some world-building research for a couple of projects.  All was well and good till this last round.   I fell into a "Flat Earth" rabbit hole.

Now don't get me wrong. I love reading a good crazy conspiracy theory as much as next guy and I find pseudo-science to be comical.  But this...this just made me weep for humanity.

Honestly. I have said "What the fuck is this?" so many times today that I think I have used up my lifetime quota.

So I need something to clear out my brain. Like a good documentary...or a horror movie. Something to get the stupid out.


  1. The internet giveth and the internet taketh away. I find m self in similar territory when I encounter people trying to tell me the Holocaust didn't occur. I even had a middle-aged lady who's mother was Jewish trying to hand me that argument once. It made me sick.

    Obviously I love fantasy, but I prefer it in my make-believe worlds, not the one I pay my mortgage in.

  2. I prefer the "hollow Earth" folks- at least they try to justify their stuff with science.

  3. I'm pretty sure some of the flat earth nuts aren't really serious about it...they can't be, right? (Right?) You may have found some of the real ones, though...

    On a related note, I once had a guy at a social gathering lure me into a conversation about how the moon landing was faked. The true believers sure love to talk about their true beliefs!

  4. Sadly. These guys were WAY too serious about it. I want to scream at them.

  5. Will watching a video of an unboxing of a Zatanna statue help?

    We meant to share this last Saturday but forgot. This seems like a better occasion...

    But just beware: flat-earth believers can be found all over the globe. ;)

  6. It certainly helps! Thanks for that!


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