Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

By some calculations today, January 19th is the day that the Sun enters the constellation of Aquarius.  So it seems like an astronomically good time to make this announcement.

I am proud to announce my next book.  I give to you, The Sisters of the Aquarian Order for the White Star RPG.

(maybe not the final cover, but close)

Coming in February 2016.

This book will detail the Sisterhood of the Aquarian Order from their early, pre-historical roots to the present day and their uncertain future.  It will cover their roles in the White Star game, their goals and motivations, The Capricorn Heresies, and of course, their near-mystical Rituals and the mystery of the Gestalt.  

I hope you all enjoy this as much as I have had working on it.


  1. I've yet to play White Star yet, but I'm hoping to be able to do so soon. I'll definitely pick this one up.

  2. Looking forward to this! Can you give us any teasers about their motivations/agenda? I think they will fit nicely in my upcoming Stark Space Campaign.

  3. I have something I want to get out today or tomorrow.

  4. I have something I want to get out today or tomorrow.


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