Thursday, August 6, 2015

RPG a Day 2015, Day 6

Day 6: Most Recent RPG Played

The last RPG I played was at Gen Con and it was Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition.
I took my family through Castle Ravenloft.

It was an absolute blast!


  1. Awesome. I've read some Ravenloft books, but I've never played in the world. I only managed to make it to Gen Con for Family Day. Next year my son will be old enough to maybe play in some games.

  2. Ravenloft was always my favorite game setting... loved that "Land of the Mists".... and the Realms which "imprisoned" each of it evil Rulers....
    ... A great Storyline and awesome Characters....
    Read all of the books when they came out.... even the hard-cover "I Sthrad"....


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