Friday, June 12, 2015

Friday Night Videos: Rob Zombie

Welcome back to Friday Night Videos.

It's the night before my birthday!
So tonight I want to focus on one artist and what his music has done for my gaming.

Interesting tidbit. I have never bought a Rob Zombie or White Zombie album or CD.  I have always gotten them for my birthday.
Weird I know, but hey there must be something to that.

I was introduced to White Zombie while in college but I didn't really get into them till after grad school when I dug up a copy of  La Sexorcisto: Devil Music Volume One that had gotten for my birthday  back in 94 or so.  I listened to Thunder Kiss '65 and wrote the first version of Halfway.

I have mentioned this one before, but the original FNV used to show repeats too.  More Human Than Human and it's album Astro Creep: 2000 was a huge influence on all the material I wrote for the Buffy RPG and the games I was playing at the time.  I think I even had an adventure called More Human Than Human at one point.

Hellbilly Deluxe ranks as one of my favorite albums of all time.  Rob Zombie's first solo album he described it as an homage to the feel of the horror movies of the 70s.  So it's not really a surprise I like it so much.  Dragula is an ode to the car from the TV show The Munsters. But it is also a great song.

Like More Human than Human, Living Dead Girl was practically a soundtrack to my Buffy/WitchCraft games.  Listening to it now I can't help wanting to pull out my Unisystem books and getting back to some old friends.  ...What are you thinking about?...

Hell on Earth...This is the song that always gets me pumped up and psyched.  Strawberry Switchblade is the bastard daughter of this song.

One of my favorite movies and books (for different reasons) is "A Clockwork Orange".  The are a lot of reasons I like it. The commentary on violence and how society treats youths. Stanley Kibrick's direction. But mostly I think it is the performance of Malcolm McDowell who also has a birthday tomorrow.  So in honor of that here is another favorite Rob Zombie song, Never Gonna Stop (The Red Red Kroovy).

One of a couple of songs that came out while I was working on the early drafts of The Witch.  The American Witch is one of my favorite songs period. There are two versions of the video, but this one is the animated version by David Hartman.  This song's videos fits in with the "mythos" you see in a lot of Rob Zombie's work, that the monsters are the heroes.  Look for the guest appearance of the Living Dead Girl.

Lords of Salem is the "prequel" song and video to American Witch.  There is a solid Solomon Kane feel to this.  But like American Witch, the humans are the real monsters here.  Our heroine the American Witch appears here, but is captured.  The Lords of Salem went on to inspire my own "Lord Salem", the Big Bad for Season 2 of the Hex Girls.

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