Monday, February 2, 2015

Happy Snowy Imbolc!

Well gaming was canceled yesterday so we could spend 3 hours (total) digging ourselves out.
But I really can't complain to be honest.  We have not had that much snow yet this year.

So what do I know?

The Witches
I am going to pick up a copy of Dungeon World today.
I want to do a review of +Melisa Fisher and +David Guyll's "Playbook" for DW, The Witch.
Also I want to read and review another playbook for Dungeon World, also titled, The Witch by Jacob Randolph.  Both look like they are fun.

April A to Z
Yes once again I am going to participate in the April A to Z blogging challenge.  This year I am going to do vampires and like demons and witches the years past I am going to include game playable material for you to use in your games.  Likely it is going to some flavor of OSR game, but I am also wanting to do something for Ghosts of Albion.

Also again this year I am part of the Ambassador's team.  This means I'll visiting a lot of blogs during this time.  Last year I felt I did a good job spreading the word of our little hobby.  I can recall three people in particular who went out and bought Basic Fantasy to either use or give to a loved one.

We talk about spreading knowledge of our hobby around.  This is a good way to do that.
A number of people that come to my blog from outside our hobby will comment to me that they didn't think people still played these games.  Of course WE know that isn't true and the rising attendance of Gen Con helps demonstrate that, we still tend to be a bit insular.
So I encourage you to sign up and give it a try.  I do id not just to be an "ambassador" or even an evangelist but also to improve my own writing skills.

So please join me.

Edited to Add:  WOO HOO!  I guess sometime in the last couple of days Eldritch Witchery went up to "Silver" best seller.


  1. The A to Z again yicks. I am not ready by a long way this year but, am glad to be part of Mr B's support team again and will be doing my bit even if my own A to Z vanishes into a huge pit of doom.

  2. Looks like you and Bushman are having a visit from Old Man Winter.

    I'm dreading the day OMW realizes he's forgotten my neck of the woods. For now it's drizzling and bone chilling damp.

    I'm looking forward to this year's A to Z, being part of an Ambassador Team will be fun too.

    Cheers, Jenny at PearsonReport

  3. Woooo, go team!

    Great post.

    I've got a nice pile of snow going here in Pennsylvania.

  4. It's good to have you on the team again. You reach a community that many of the other co-hosts don't tap into. And you've got innovative thinking that helps our team.

    Thanks for your contributions!

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out


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