Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Blogger's New Adult Policy

Google is sending out emails to some bloggers on the Blogger platform about their new Adult policy that becomes effective in one month.


Basically if you have an "adult" blog you were emailed and have 30 days to remove said content (though they are  vague on what that content is) or have your blog turn to "Private".

This basically means if people are not invited to read your blog they can't see it.

I am not sure what this means for the majority of the bloggers here.
Will my blog get tagged because of Eldritch Witchery later on?  No idea. Likely not.

Though I suppose this is a good time to start thinking of what your blogger exit plan is. I am sure it will not be around forever.


  1. I just don't understand the restrictive policy. I mean if you have an adult content warning why would they care?

    It certainly brings on more talk, as the old saying goes.

  2. I agree with littlemute. Consider migrating your blog over to WordPress.

  3. 1999: Don't Be Evil
    2005: Don't Be Evil, except when censoring pro-democracy content for the Chinese government.
    2012: Don't Be Evil, and ignore the fact we are manufacturing military drones
    2015: Okay, Be Evil

  4. I don't really care for Wordpress. The interface is just baffling. But I've seen migrations both ways, from Blogger to Wordpress and vice-versa, and both for equally baffling and seemingly arbitrary reasons.

  5. at the moment there seems no need for me to move.

  6. Except for a "Turkey Neck" cartoon and a "Boob shot" or two... we have no "objectionable material at my "Crypt"... we "censor" ourself...

  7. Hmm. I write kidlit so this is not a problem for me. These folks are right. Wordpress may be your answer. Happy Blitz Day!

  8. I don't think I have anything to be concerned about with any of my blogs. I hope not at least!

    You are very deserving of a Blitz day and it couldn't happen to a better blogger.

    And a great Ambassador! Thanks for being a part of our A to Z Assistance Team.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  9. You are making glad to be self hosted on wordpress.
    Happy Blitz Day.

  10. I'm also self-hosted on Wordpress.
    Happy Blog Blitz Day!
    Have fun!

  11. I have blogged on Blogger, but moved to Wordpress a few years ago. I now have two blogs on Wordpress.com and one on self-hosted Wordpress. The .com/.org mix might change - I don't like the way the .com interface is going, but I'll stick with Wordpress.
    Happy Blitz Day!

  12. I write new adult under a pen name. I have a wordpress blog for that but I do show my covers on my regular blogspot blog. I might have to remove them from there. Hmmm...

    Well anyway, happy blitz day!

  13. Interesting. I wasn't aware. We shall see what will happen.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  14. I guess I'll cross that bridge when it SPAMS me. :)

    BTW...you're being BLITZED! Enjoy.

  15. What is a "blitz day?" Is this related to the NFL combine?

  16. I would think an adult content warning should be enough. They stated that "We’ll still allow nudity if the content offers a substantial public benefit, for example in artistic, educational, documentary, or scientific contexts." But who gets to judge and make that final decision? Sometimes I hate google.

    On a happier note: Happy Blitz Day! :D

  17. That's crazy about the adult blogs. I guess I've been huddled in my shell lately & didn't know anything about it. I wonder what the big instigator was for this action. Hmm.

    Oh, and happy Blitz Day!

  18. I write Christian Women's Fiction, so maybe I'm immune. But worst come to worst, I'll jump ship to WordPress.

    BTW, Happy Blitz Day! You'll be busy, but it's a good kind of busy. :-D

  19. Hi, I am glad I have switched to self-hosting Wordpress. I think it is worth the $20 per year. I don't think I would have to worry, though. I keep my stuff family-friendly. Anyway, Happy Blitz Day!

  20. I don't have "adult" content, even though my blog is intended for adults -- my writing and music is not aimed at kids, at least.

    I'm not a huge fan of blogger, but moving to Wordpress seems like moving from a Mac to Unix. From doing things by "click on the widget picture" to having to write native HTML code to get things the way you want them.

    But we'll see... A migration may be in order...

    Oh, and Happy Blitz Day!!!

  21. Woo! Happy Blitz Day!

    Also, doesn't blogger have an 18 or older button, where you have to press it if you're of age?
    Anyway, it's stupid and probably a form of censorship.

    My blogger escape plan would probably just be to stop blogging. At least overtly

  22. I don't care for the new policy. I have visited blogs that gave me the "warning" that it contained adult content and then it allowed me to choose if I visited or not. I can see why it could be effective for perhaps not allowing children to visit sites, but then parents should be monitoring where their children are and what they are doing on the computer. Happy Blitz!


  23. I'm just going to sit back and see what happens. My books may be for adult audiences, but I don't write up posts that need to have warnings.

    Happy Blitz Day! :)

  24. I guess I read that wrong. I thought they just wanted people to add the content warning.
    Huh. Very restrictive.


    You've been blitzed!
    Have a great day!

  25. Unless the powers that be have a problem with topics like flatulence and smoke enemas, I should be okay. (In a manner of speaking...)

    So how ya feeling? A little woozy? You should be, because you, my dear, are getting BLITZED! (But since you're an adult blog, that's perfectly okay...) Enjoy!

  26. WOOHOO!

    Thanks everyone! I am pretty sure my blog is safe really. I am more PG-13 than anything.

    Getting Blitzed is a blast!

  27. My blog should be okay, but still, it seems like a weird rule that I hadn't heard of. Happy Blitz Day!

  28. I know my blogs will be okay, but I think this new policy is absurd. The adult content warnings are good enough, in my opinion. Any reader is free to turn back if they want to avoid the content in question.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  29. Happy Blitz Day ... loved the Wednesday Adamms clips too.

  30. I don't like the whole private blog thing. Yeah, if you only want your real life friends to read it, I guess. But every now and then I run across a private blog and I always have the same questions that remains unanswered, "How do you get an invite?"


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