Saturday, January 17, 2015

Zatannurday: Zatanna and Constantine

Last night was the return of Constantine to the small screen.  We still have no clear idea yet if it will be renewed for a 2nd season, but I am not getting my hopes up.
This certainly means we won't see John and Zee together on the screen anytime soon.

So here they are on the smaller screen.

Bleedin' Las Vegas by conjob1989 on DeviantArt

Zatanna and Constantine by m0nstersInside on DeviantArt

Constantine And Zatanna That old Black magic... by samayoa on DeviantArt

Surprise by armadillo-CDQ on DeviantArt

Justice League Dark Combo by elena-casagrande on DeviantArt

Commission - Deadman, Constantine, Zatanna by tyrannus on DeviantArt

Zatanna and John Constantine by montrosity on DeviantArt

Hope we get to see more!


  1. Constantine is canceled, they are just airing the remaining episodes. NBC didn't order the rest of the episodes to fill out a full season.

    Sad, because I like Constantine. But the general public didn't agree.

  2. I am still reading some mixed reports, but it sure doesn't look good.


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