Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Yog The Monster from Space

It's 1975.  I am sitting down to a night of hopefully watching a monster movie on KPLR-TV out of St. Louis. Our baby-sitter for me and my younger sister is my older sister Terri and my older brother Pat*.  (It could have been my other older brother Mike.)

Anyway this movie had been advertised all week and I wanted to see it.  I was already watching Dark Shadows at this point and had seen a Godzilla movie.  Saturday came around and I got to watch a little bit of it; till my older sibs turned it off.  I remembered bits and pieces of it for years, but never knew the title.

A couple years back I asked people on Facebook.  All I could really remember was a giant octopus/squid, tentacles that reached out an grabbed people, and it all took place on an island in the South Pacific.  No luck.  I tried searching in back issues of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. No luck. The biggest problem was I didn't remember enough of the movie to give people enough clues to work on.

Well thanks to my friend Dr. Theda at his eponymous Crypt I was able to piece the last bits of it all together.

The movie that has been bugging me for nearly 40 years is "Yog Monster From Space"!

I bought from a less than reputable website which I have to admit I feel a little bad about.

I got it in the mail last night and popped it in to make sure it worked. It did. It is the movie I remembered. The music and the sound effects were the clincher. The DVD looks like a VHS transfer (complete with "tracking" issues!). The cover was run off on someone's ink jet.

But sure enough this was the movie in question.

Yeah. I paid real money for this.

The way I see it I now have piece of mind. I know what the movie was and now I can finish watching it.
I am like Odysseus at the gates of Ithaca. My long search is over.

So of course what do I actually do last night?  Stayed up and watched Pacific Rim again!

Now I need to add more Kaiju to my games.


  1. My "grail" movie was War Of The Gargantuas.

    I saw the first half about a half-dozen times as a kid on The Three-O-Clock Movie, but always missed the ending due to piano lessons, YMCA, or other nonsense. And even after we got a VCR, something always conspired to keep me from taping it.

    When it finally came out on VHS, it was glorious! And the DVD release was even better.

  2. I loved War of the Gargantuans. One of my favorite Kailua movies.

  3. Is that a repurposed oven mitt?

    And if so, WHAT CYCLOPEAN HAND looms inside?

  4. Thanks for the mention...
    and glad that we were able to help good Sir...

  5. It's the price you pay to capture that little piece of your childhood. Isn't it worth it?

  6. Seeing as I enjoyed watching "Manos Hands of Fate" this certainly looks like an "interesting" film.

    I wonder if I can get it in the UK?

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