Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Sales and Freebies at DriveThruRPG

It's nearly Halloween so that means DriveThruRPG/RPGNow has their annual Halloween sales going on.

They also have their annual Trick or Treat.  Find the seven jack-o-lanterns to get a treat or a trick!
So far I have found two and gotten Savage Worlds Horror book and the Guide to Transylvania for Ravenloft Masque of the Red  Death.  I had both already of course, but still, very nice to have all the same!

So stop by, get a spooky treat for Halloween and maybe even find something free!


  1. Got them all! Thanks for that!

  2. I've got 6 of 7...
    This is driving me nuts! ;)

  3. I did not know they did that!
    Thanks for passing this along, this is great!

  4. I got 6 out of seven. The only one I couldn't find was the Wild Cards one. If anyone knows where that is, I'll trade the locations of any of the other 6 for it.


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