Sunday, July 7, 2013

Deviant Art: Raven

Been a busy weekend this weekend.  The neighbor's apple tree fell in our yard so I have been out with the chainsaw and cleaning up wood.  So here are some pictures of Raven, my other favorite DC magic girl.

Raven from Titans by ~MLauNeim on deviantART

Raven by ~KidNotorious on deviantART

Raven by ~CeruleanRaven on deviantART

Raven Inks by *Jon-Moss on deviantART

Raven Rising by =JamieFayX on deviantART

Not creepy, just different. by *oO-Fotisha-Oo on deviantART

Have a great Sunday!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Just wanted to give you a heads-up that Ani-Mia (cosplay personality) has unveiled on her Facebook page a work-in-progress cosplay of Zatanna for SD Comicon this year. So, be on the lookout for pics later on!

  3. Does that mean that legally, the apples are yours?

  4. The apples were too young to be of any use.

    I know Ani-Mia so I am looking forward to her Zatanna!


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