Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Help a Brother Out? Part 2

So last month I posted about wanting a Dragon Age figure.

Well thanks to +The House of Fun I now have my figure!

Yeah I opened her, I am not a big time collector.  I like them out of the boxes.

Mixing my video games a bit.

Comparing her size to some of my other witches. She is taller than most.

Quite a gathering in the Halliwell's attic.  Wonder what is going on to need all this magical firepower?

House of fun could not have been easier to work with!  Thanks so much.


  1. Congrats on grabbing her for a decent price! House of Fun is a cool little shop right down the street from me here in South Jersey. I'm glad I was able to help get you in touch with them. I love to support local small businesses, and I figured giving them some blog "air time" would help them!

    In this age of inflated online pricing, scoring an item on the relative cheap in an old fashioned brick and mortar store is a big deal.

    BTW, what's that giant creature you have her standing in front of in the second shot? Is that (and the stones she's standing in front of) something from Dragon Age?

  2. Hi Timothy .. how wonderful - you must be so pleased. Great connection made via blogging friends ...

    Cheers and enjoy all your 'friends' .. Hilary


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