Thursday, January 24, 2013

We lost two good men out there

Two longtime bloogers are hanging up their...gloves? shoes?  what is a good analogy here? closing their laptops? keyboards...

Anyway. Two blogs are shutting down at least for the time being.

Tommy Brownell of The Most Unread Blog on the Internet. Ever. is closing shop due to a massive hard drive failure.
I enjoyed Tommy's reviews and always looked at them as the games I should also be reading.
He does plan to keep it up so his posts will remain.

Sword & Shield is going on a hiatus.
In enjoyed the old-school vibe from this blog and Fenway5's/Christopher's take on various topics.  Hope to see this blog back sometime in the future, but I will continue follow his other blog Heroes & Other Worlds.

It is always too bad when a blog leaves the scene, at least in this case we got a chance to say good bye.


  1. That's a shame...I didn't know about either blog but would have subscribed to both, they look quite interesting.

  2. Yep, sucks. I hope Fenway5 keeps on trucking on the HOW blog, though. Every loss of one of our fellows is a big blow to the community.

  3. That's sad. I hope they both make it back.


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