Monday, January 28, 2013

Please Allow Me to Re-Introduce Myself

I am a man of wealth and taste....oops. Wrong introduction.

Today (and I almost forgot about it) I am participating in the "Please Allow Me to Re-Introduce Myself" blogfest. It is hosted by Stephen Tremp, C.M. Brown, Mark Koopmans, and Elise Fallson.  Plus I should mention I saw this first on L. Diane Wolfe's Spunk on a Stick blog.

The purpose of today's blogfest is to re-introduce yourself to your readers.  I think that is a great idea since The Other Side has gone through quite a bit a growth over the years.

So, hello. My name is Tim Brannan, and I have been running the Other Side blog now since 2007, though I really didn't get going till 2008.  The name "The Other Side" came my old website, The Other Side that I have been running since the mid 90s.  Back around 2003 or so my site began to wane a bit so I took it down.   Creating this blog was supposed to be a band-aid or temporary solution till I got my site back up.

Things didn't really happen that way.

I started to blog, and not run a website, so I could have a design journal for some of gaming books.  In particular The Witch and Eldritch Witchery.

I started playing RPGs back in 1979 with a copy of the Holmes Blue book.  My small group played during recess with that and a copy of the Monster Manual.  That Monster Manual changed my life.  I got into gaming hard core with the Molvay Red book and then later moved to AD&D.  I have played scores of games, but mostly horror games and versions of D&D.

I have been writing games and game books on my own for years. I "released" by first netbook back in 1999. It was every bit the amateur effort you would expect, but it was mine and based on things I had been working for years.  That lead me to doing some freelance work on some d20 products, including some work at Eden Studios.  There I worked on a WitchCraft book and then moved on to Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
This lead to my big break, writing the Ghosts of Albion corebook.

Working on Ghosts was awesome. I got work with Amber Benson and Christopher Golden on their world. Plus get a lot of acclaim for it.  It has been great.

In my "other life" I was a university professor. I taught research design, statistics and ed psych.  I later moved to online teaching and now online curriculum development.

I live in the Chicago burbs with my wife and two great kids.

That's me.


  1. Thanks for sharing! It's nice to meet you again!

  2. I think I really need to talk to you a bit. I'm using RPGs in my newest novel and I've got LOADS of questions!

  3. Krystal.

    Hit me up anytime.

    Love to help!

  4. Hey Tim! Good to meet you!

    I realise that this is a total aside and not exactly what you are doing now but if you ever feel like talking stats I'm a postgrad in psych at the moment so yeahhh. Umm. Mmm


  5. Mia! Of course. I still love stats to be honest.

  6. L.G. We seem to be in all the cool bloghops of late!

  7. Wow. A college professor. Now I know more about you. Nice re-meeting you!

  8. Nice to meet you - for the first time!

  9. I think had I grown up in another time I might have really gotten sucked into role playing games. I just came from a little town with little exposure until I'd filled life with a bunch of other stuff.

    Great to meet you!

  10. Wow, nice to meet you. Pleas don't be upset but I mostly play WOW, and honestly, I rarely pay attention to the story though my husband does. Still, I'm very impressed.

  11. Role playing was one of the greatest times of my dragon life. I loved it! You're awesome, man. Nice to re-meet you. :D

  12. I always wondered who you were...=) It was nice to read this.

  13. Starting blogging and never went back?

    Can you see the Cubs losing from your house? (And if you're a fan, don't worry - so am I!)

  14. I'm retiring from teaching this year, but if I wasn't I would be exploring the online opportunites. It is the future.

  15. I did some online teaching. Project Management stuff. It was a lot of fun. And thanks for participating in the Re-Introduce Myself Blogfest!

  16. Great reintroduction! Nice to re-meet you :)

  17. Nice to meet you! Have you read the book Ready Player One? Your bio reminds me of the book a bit (aside from the whole dystopian future part).

    Anyway, great post!


  18. Hi, Timothy, it's great to meet you too.

  19. It's great to be re-introduced to you Tim. I think I started following you during last years A to Z, but I've wandered away. Now...I'm back! :)

  20. Hi Tim. It's great to meet you.
    Online teaching seems to be the direction in which lots of ex and retired teachers are moving. I'm just wondering how "saturated" it will eventually become. I suppose it depends on your concept and methods...


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