Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What's It Worth to You?

Or to me for that matter.

Stumbled on on a website that calculates the worth of other websites.

Where does the Other Side rank?

timbrannan.blogspot.com website worth badge

The whole thing is worth $1,971 (at the time of this post).

That's a little depressing.  I would have hoped for more.
Well that's just money, I am sure the Other Side is worth far more XP!

So go there and see what you are worth on the web.


  1. Don't feel too bad. d20 Dark Ages didn't even come up. lol

  2. Yes, please don't feel bad. My blog came up at a worth of $228. It apparently "earns" $0.56 per day. That's probably less than what a migrant farm worker makes in a day. But you're right, these blogs go beyond mere monetary worth!

  3. $ 6,681 for HeroPress... supposedly! I sure could do with some of that cash ;-)

  4. I got $144. Hopefully that will go up over time!


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