Monday, December 10, 2012

Selling my Soul to Google

I am very active on Blogger.  All my RPG related email goes to my Gmail account.  I use Google Analytics to track trends on my blog.  I own an Android phone and tablet.  So I am pretty sold on this Google idea.

Well this weekend I found the one thing my gaming life needs more than anything else.
I discovered the new Chrome Book.

It runs the new Chromium OS and uses all the same tools I use now for my RPG work.
Not only that, but last week I began a new RPG book.  No surprise there.  But this deal is that this is the first time since 1989 that I have started one on something other than Microsoft Word.
I was an early adopter of MS Word. The first copy I ever bought was Word 1.1 for Windows, I quickly upgraded to 2.0.  I have tried other software.  I had used many others before this; PC Write was a big one for me. I spent untold hours in front of a screen using WordStar. I even, briefly, tried WordPErfect (and hated it).  I would guess that in the last 23 years I have spent about 30,000 hours using Word.  That's about 5-6 hours a day. Work really adds to this number since everything I do there is in Word.

Last week I started a new RPG book in Google Docs.  I have used Docs before for other things and even have written a number of things for work or pleasure in it.  But I usually started them in Word.  So this is a big deal for me.

This new Chrome Book would give me all the tools I am using now.  Sure I have a laptop and a computer.  The computer is in my office and not portable.  The laptop is for work.  My tablet is great, but not great to write with.

I like the idea of having a separate RPG computer to hold all my PDFs and works-in-progress.
Now if I can only get one for Christmas!


  1. I'd love to here more about how things work out for you I have been debating picking one up. When it comes to laying out the doc what do you plan to do it in?

  2. I am not likely to get it till after Christmas, but when I do I will talk all about it here.


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