Thursday, September 6, 2012

Blogfest/Bloghop anyone?

So I was looking at my calendar last night and I noticed that October has 5 Mondays and 5 Wednesdays this year.  Yeah it has 5 Tuesdays too.

I was thinking that it might be cool to post a new monster here every Monday in October.  Then I thought, why should I have all this fun by myself?

So here is an idea and I'd like to see who would all like to join in. On the Monday before Halloween (10/29) everyone post a new Monster.  It doesn't have to be horror related and it can be in any system.  I then thought I could expand it to let anyone post something about any sort of monster.

I would do this as a Blogfest, like the A to Z challenge, and everyone could see what everyone else has done.

Any takers?  This would be a great way to spread the word about gaming into areas beyond our "Blog borders" and it could give you all sorts of ideas.

Let me know what you think.  I am still going to post a new monster every Monday in October and mine will be horror themed.


  1. I'm in. Monsters it is! I can crank out one per week.

  2. Cool.

    I'll get something real set up here soon!

  3. I'd see what I could spawn too. Maybe some or all of the entries could be done up as a set in a pdf, like those July monsters by Matt at Rended Press?

  4. What's the tagline?

    Monster Monday? Madness? Medieval? Modules Monsters Monday?

  5. I think I'll throw my dice into the tray. Count me in.

  6. Do you mind re-writes of existing monsters? I have the idea to define a setting specifically through ecology of style articles and such.


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