Friday, August 3, 2012

Gen Con 2012

It dawned on the other day that I am in no way shape or form ready for Gen Con 2012 yet.

Hotel was booked back in January, badges bought, games registered for.Google calendar updated.
But I am not mentally ready.  I am not running anything this year officially, maybe something for my kids.  Most likely the continuation of theForgotten Temple of Tharizdun.

I plan to pick some things up at the OSR booth, but there are not many purchases I want to make this year to be honest.

Who is going to the Best Four Days in Gaming? 
What are your plans?


  1. I'm working on publishing my schedule. I'm also going to email everyone that signed up on my Gencon shared doc.

  2. I am participating in an event hosted by Ken St. Andre, and an rpg event run by AEG.

  3. I will be there running lots of L5R RPG events. Not much free time sadly.

    My schedule here:


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