Monday, May 14, 2012

First Loves Blogfest

Here are my first loves

First Album I loved: Thomas Dolby "The Golden Age of Wireless"

First Movie: Star Wars (I have no idea what "A New Hope" is...;) )

First Book: The Hobbit

First Person: Harder, I mean after all the first people you love are your family. So let's go with first person outside of your family. And that can only be...


Specifically, Yvonne Craig's Batgirl from the Adam West Batman TV series.
What's not to love?  She is smart and kicks ass.  Plus she rode a purple motor cycle before Prince was even born (ok, I might need to re-check that date but you get what I am trying to say  ETA: ok, Prince was only about 8-9 at the time.)


  1. Ha ha - Batgirl - love it! My first movie crush was Atreyu from The Never Ending Story!

  2. I am with you on everyone... Batgirl, meow!

    We all love something...right!
    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine

  3. Not only that, but I remember hearing back when Prince did the songs for Burton's Batman that he claimed the first song he learned to play on the piano was the Batman TV theme.

  4. I am guilty of having never read The Hobbit! I got the audiobook out of the library once, but I didn't like the voice of the person narrating so I stopped listening!

  5. Love The Hobbit too and my husband's first love was also Bat Girl which says a lot about why he keeps trying to convince me to dress up as her for Halloween!

  6. Batgirl vs. Catwoman. Begin!! Catwoman lashes out with her whip. Meow.

    I love the cover of the golden age of wireless.. so cool.

    It was fun reading about your first loves!


  7. Great choices! I debated whether to do The Hobbit too. I also chose Star Wars :)

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  8. I almost went with Star Wars before selecting Jaws instead.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  9. I only ever saw Batgirl on our old black and white TV. I never realized she was so...colorful.

  10. God I love Star Wars. And The Hobbit. Such great first loves.

  11. I did this too.

  12. Yay for The Hobbit! And Batgirl, fun! Like someone else said, I had no idea Batgirl wore bright purple; I watched it on black and white, as well.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, road tripping through the #atozchallenge participants!

  13. I was wondering how you had a post for May 14th already and then saw this was from 2012. Anyway, I love the old Yvonne Craig Batgirl. I'm really hoping they make a McFarlane action figure to go with the Batman one I have already but the "Batgirl of Burnside" was a good modern take on the costume; it's too bad they changed that to something lame.


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