Friday, May 25, 2012


I am adding some Dropbox functionality to my blog so you can download items or share them with me.

You can click on the link above and get your own Dropbox account, but I am also going to open up some public folders for everyone to use.

The Other Side

Let me know what you think!


  1. What a great idea! I shall have to try this myself.

  2. Um... how do you do it? Add the dopbox gif and link in, that is... *embarrassed shuffle*

  3. I've seen this a few times, but haven't dug any deeper yet. Do you know if it offers any benefits over Google Documents?

  4. I find it to be much smoother in functionality.

  5. @Chris. I set up a new folder and set the permissons to public. I then got a link for it in the properties.

    Why this over Google docs? Just trying this out.
    Plus I have more space on DB than I do on Google.


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