Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Friday the 13th!

Picked up Cthulhu by Gaslight in dead tree version today.

As you all know I love Victorian horror.

This is going to sit on my shelves very nicely.  It is going to sit at my table when I play Ghosts of Albion even better.

Sitting on my table next to me in fact is Ghosts of Albion, Cthulhu by Gaslight, Gaslight (OGL), Victoriana (2nd ed) and Victoria.

All are great fun.


  1. One of players is getting ready for Ghosts this weekend. He has not been reading these posts. ;)

  2. Nice! Do you write fiction at all? My "L" post is about a call for short stories involving the Cthulhu mythos and steampunk. 'Praps you might put something together for it.

    A-Z @ Elizabeth Twist

  3. Still waiting for Cthulhu By Gaslight to wash up on British shores...

  4. @Elizabeth.

    No, I know what my limitations are! ;) But I have taken other people's fiction and turned it in to a game many, many times. Shoot me an email any time.


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