Saturday, November 12, 2011

Zatannurday: Zatanna XXX in 3D

I am not even sure I should post this one or not.
Obviously I have noting against porn or anything like that.  But this blog tends to be more PG or PG-13 rated.

So forwarned is forearmed.

Zatanna will be the star in a new Super Hero Parody Porn.

You can read all about it here,

It stars Chanel Preston as Zee.
Honestly she is not that bad as this pic will show,  no worries, this is a safe one.

I have no idea what the story is about but it features Catwoman, Supergirl and oddly enough, Emma Frost.

Did I also mention it is in 3D?
No? Well yeah it is in 3D.  The Red/Green type, but still.

If you are curious here is a link, Not safe for work.

Up for pre-order now, and you can use your 3D glasses on the website too.  How's that for value add.


  1. Huh, Lexi Belle seems to be in a lot of these superhero parodies.

    *cough* so I'm told.

  2. I am not afraid to admit that I just picked this one up. I'll have to review it here. You know for the Zatanna stuff..,


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