Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Review: Eldritch High

Eldritch High by John Wick

I like John Wick.  I like how he can keep coming up with these games that are really cool and really different from each other.  His latest is something near and dear to my own heart, magical high-schools.

Eldricth High
This is a great little game that you can learn and start play in about an hour. I love how the character sheet looks like a class schedule. The mechanic is a card based one and it lends it self well to alterations. The rest of the game is pure role-playing and story telling. If you ever read a YA supernatural book, watched an episode of Charmed or Buffy, or read a Harry Potter book then you have an idea of what you can do. OR better yet, if you were ever in High School and thought "this is ok, but what I really need is a Fireball to liven things up!", then this the game for you.

Even if you don't use the ultra simple game mechanic there are plenty of ideas here for your favorite game. Just now run it in a magical high school.

5 out of 5 stars.

Now what can you do this this game?
Well if you are regular reader here you can see all sorts of idea I hope.

You could for example take my movie from earlier today and do "Satan's School for Girls the RPG", but I doubt the author would approve.  But it would still be fun IF you played up all the camp 70s stereotypes.
Of course you can do a series about a boy wizard and his friends fighting evil.

Another good choice is "D&D School" where you have young wizards before they go out and adventure. Some spells would need to be tweaked, but it looks like it would work well.

You could also combine it well with a game like Hellcats and Hockeysticks for a full curriculum.

I'll be playing around with this one for a little bit.

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