Saturday, April 30, 2011

A to Z. I did it.

I survived the A to Z challenge.
It took a bit and maybe I'll do a more indepth retrospective later.  Today's Z post was the one that made want to do this.  When I saw Z landed on Saturday, the day I do my Zatannurday posts then I figured what the hell.

Y was the hardest one.  I also almost didn't make my self-imposed deadline of 8:00am for this post.

Thank' to all the new visitors and followers.  I hope I give you plenty of reasons to keep coming back.

And I got another award in the process.

See all the winners at


  1. I didn't do the A-Z as i didn't even know what it was until a couple days ago but found your blog through a blog hop. Looks interesting.

  2. congrats for making it through. its been a wild ride

  3. Hey, Tim,

    Nice to meet a fellow Chicagoan.

    Congrats on completing the challenge. I know it was no easy feat. I did flash fiction with a twist/riddle. Talk about a challenge....

  4. Congrats to you for completing the challenge and so glad to meet you through the reflections blog hop :)

    Cheers :)

  5. Thank you for being a part of the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge of 2011.

    Don't forget to pick up your Winner's Badge at my site.
    Tossing It Out

  6. Hey there! Nice to meet you! Making the rounds, still, from the AZ. Shannon @ The Warrior Muse and I are joining forces in another challenge. We're going to visit and comment at each of the participants, starting with the reflections post. We hope you'll join us!
    Tina @ Life is Good


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