Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Post 626

Todays post is brought to you by a monster.

Ok, just a little one.

I have a rather good relationship with the movie "Lilo and Stich".  It came out at a time when my kids were really little and loved to watch it over and over.  But I was working on a lot of game stuff then too, so watching the movie is very much part of the genesis of "The Dragon and the Phoenix" and even later "Ghosts of Albion".  So much so that Marion "Cobra" Bubbles made a guest appearance in one of my games.

Plus you have to give props to Disney on several points here.  First they used AC/DC in ads for this movie, I think that is a first ever for a Disney cartoon flick.  And Lilo is not your skinny little pale princess that Disney seems so fond of.  She is a normal shaped little Hawaiian girl, with issues.  And the soundtrack is full of Elvis songs.  How cool is that?  My boys loved this move and I can't say that I blamed them.


  1. Agreed. Lilo & Stitch is one of Disney's best movies ever. Not so much all the stuff that came after, but the original? Classic.

  2. I agree. Plus Stitch looks pretty cool as a jedi.

  3. I always get teary-eyed at:

    'This is my family. I found it, all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good.'

    Y'know. If teary-eyed means crying with snot running out of your nose...


  5. "Cute and Fluffy!!" was always my oldest's favorite.

    My favorite Stitch line, when he says "Ok." right before he hijacks a tanker truck full of gasoline.

    Oh yeah and the family line was fantastic. "Yeah, still good."

  6. I love this movie so much. The first time I saw it was on Xmas morning. My son got it on DVD as a present and we tossed it in, as we had time to kill before driving over to the in-laws. It started out as background noise, and very shortly had all of our attention.

    Then, I started bawling like a baby.

  7. Lilo & Stitch was one of the few disney movies I saw at the theatre in last decade and I loved every minute of it.


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