Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lost my Projects Drive


I work on a lot of projects.  Maybe too many to be honest, but they help keep my sanity.
So imagine my horror this morning when I could not find my projects flash drive.

IT's a tiny thing really.  8 gigs, black.  But on it were WORLDS.  It had my drafts to a couple of Old School projects I was working on. It had my complete draft of my "new" old-school campaign world "Eire".  Dozens of characters for a few different games. About 2  gigs worth of PDFs. A few reviews of some books I was reading.  Some new adventures for Ghosts of Albion.

Nothing I can't replace or rebuild in time, but irritating all the same. Well the review I have to restart from scratch and the three books I only have the last backed-up versions.

Not at all happy this morning.


  1. Remember, that which does not kill us, drives us crazy... er... I mean, makes us stronger! Yes, that's the ticket!

    I am sorry to hear of your loss. Be strong.

  2. You know, if they can do it for pets, you'd think that they could put those tracking chips into flash drives.

  3. I have three flash drives... Everything important is on at least two of them... If it's critical, it's on all three. + my PC.

    Multiple redundant backups are the keys to being victorius in the computer age.

    Your time invested, you cannot get back. Was that worth $20 and ten minutes a month?


  4. $20 and ten a minutes a month would have saved all of that.

    I have 3 flash drives, If it's important, it's on two of them, If it's critical, it's on all three and the pc.


  5. I found it!!!

    Of course I had recovered most of the files already.


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