Monday, February 21, 2011

A to Z blog challenge.

Blogging A to Z

I am going to be taking part in the BLOGGING FROM A TO Z APRIL CHALLENGE 2011 this April.  Everyday will be a new letter of the alphabet, A to Z, that will form the base of my daily post.  I'll post something everyday, save Sunday, for a total of 26 posts.

Topics will stick to topics I have done here in the past and possibly others that the letter would give me the excuse to post something different.

It should be interesting and fun and I am looking forward to the challenge.


  1. Sounds like fun, so I signed up. I never did that many blogs in one month. Hmm, I'll have to see if I can make them all Greyhawk related.

  2. A Brilliant Challenge, Dude. Even Friends Get Happy In Just Knowing Literature Might Not Open Possibilities. Quite Ridiculous Sandals That Universally Ver....

    Okay, it gets really hard at the end. ;)

  3. Sounds like a pretty cool concept for posting.

  4. Sounds like fun, I may just give it a whirl.

  5. Damn!

    I did this back in December, with my D20cember Posts! Does that count? (Probably not, damn!)

  6. @ /Matt - I remember and I enjoyed it very much. If you wanted to run it again in this A-Z parallel-style, I'd jump in for sure.

  7. Thanks for mentioning this and welcome to the challenge. I'll give you some recognition in my next Thank You post.

    Tossing It Out


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