Friday, January 7, 2011

ChicagoWiz's RPG Blog: Where's our EPT and Blackmoor? Is the "OSR" doomed to retreads?

Some good discussion over at ChicagoWiz's blog.

And there is a good point here. Can we continue to keep cranking out clone after clone? The truth is we can't and maybe we all should have stopped a bit back, but that being said what is next for the OSR?

ChicagoWiz's RPG Blog: Where's our EPT and Blackmoor? Is the "OSR" doomed to retreads?


  1. I don't think the OSR is doomed to retreads. Sure, for the past few years, there has been a lot of mimicing the past, but I think that was due to the fact there was 20 or so years of pent up hobbyist gaming and homebrews so you had folks wanting to release their own take. However, I think it's starting to shift as more folks are not content with mimicing the past and really want to dig into the systems and put new takes on them. If anything, I'd say that things were only now really begining.

  2. Unless he seems strictly published material, I'm a bit bemused by the whole argument.

    What am I doing with Weird Adventures, if not something different? or NetherWerks with their postsingularity fantasy? or John Stater at The Land of Nod with Pars Fortuna? At least somebody said Planet Algol!

    Ok, maybe what he wants mroe mechanics are less fluff, perhaps--but John Stater's definitely given that.

    Maybe you just gotta know where to look...

  3. @Trey:

    He does indeed mean published material.

  4. I think the focus should be on getting those games into distribution. The OSR is an amazing thing for about 500 bloggers, but perhaps for it to grow LL, S&W and so on need to be placed on bookstore and game store shelves?

  5. I did in fact buy my copy of LL at my favorite local game store. The original purple cover one.

  6. @C'norr:

    Perhaps he did--though the commentors didn't take it that way--with mentions of World of Thool and Planet Algol.


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