Sunday, December 12, 2010

All I want for Christmas is....

I don't know.

Last year it was easy, I wanted Doctor Who adventures in Time and Space.  This year though the must have boxed set, the D&D Starter Set, came out back in September, so I already have one.
There is nothing new for Pathfinder I want and I am not playing any other games at the moment.

I suppose the Ravenloaft Board game would be sweet to have, seeing how I didn't get it for Halloween (don't you get presents on Halloween? I do!).  Gamma World also looks fun.

What do you want Santa to bring you this year?


  1. I want the entire Walking dead Collection.

  2. Gamma World! I will not buy a game that I need to by cards for to expand my options!

  3. Funny you should mention Halloween presents, my wife and I do more present swapping then than on Christmas. If your looking for something good to get Swords & Wizardry's new book is out and I've been looking at the PDF and looks pretty good. I was too late for the hard cover, but got one of the soft covers.

  4. I am picking up the L5R 4e, the D&D 4e Rules Compendium, the Gamma World Box Set, and maybe some Deathwatch stuff.

  5. I LOVE giving and getting Halloween gifts. Like Tim said, we do more on Halloween the we do Christmas.

    So glad to hear you get Halloween gifts, too.

  6. Just realised I haven't asked for any game stuff for Christmas (lots of DVDs, graphic novels etc though) - but I did get the Ravenloft boardgame for my birthday back in November :-)

  7. I never get gaming stuff for Christmas. I'm so bad about just buying what I want, and my tastes change so rapidly, there's no hope of my wife and son keeping up. There's nothing I'm really deeply wanting for Christmas this year (other than the two weeks off I've already got planned), though the massive Taschen Books history of DC Comics would be pretty amazing.

    Mostly, I want time to write and for my creative flow to kick back in.


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