Monday, November 15, 2010

Need some Minis Painted

I will admit this up front.  I suck when it comes to doing anything artistic.
I can do some tricks on Photoshop, but that is it.

But I have a problem.  I love the miniatures from Dark Sword and Reaper.  But I can't paint a damn.
So,  I am looking for someone willing to paint some minis for me.  Yes I would pay you.  I understand this ia complicated procedure and I am willing to put my money where my mouth is.

Here are some of the figures I want to get painted.

First up is my new character.

This is the Dark Sword Halloween 2009 Witch.  Of course she is perfect for my new D&D 4 Essentials warlock and her familiar "Mojo".   I would LOVE to have it pained very similar to this in terms of color.  Maybe more purple and black, but I love the glowing blue sword and the blue reflected on her face and body.

The next few are actually the same character,  first is the Laurana Sorceress figure from Reaper.

This one I might one to be painted similar to this picture as well (I try to choose the picture that is the closest).

The next mini is the same character as above, so I would want similar coloration.  It is the Elmore Masterworks Mini from Dark Sword of Early Snow.

This one I want painted very close to the painting it was based on.  I have it in my game room now and it would be great to have a painted mini of it.

The one I am currently using now is the Elmore Green Witch from Dark Sword.  She is already painted similar to the Early Snow one, so I am good there.

The main differences are her purple dress and black cape.  I would like to find someone that can paint the other three as nicely as this one.  Why not go with the guy that painted this one?  Easy, I lost his contact info.  Plus I had to ship the figure, get it shipped back (which he did a fantastic job on) and it was a touch expensive.  Not that I didn't mind paying that at the time, but now I want 3 more.

I do have the minis right now, except for the Dark Sword Halloween Witch, so I can ship them to whomever.

My only request is that I am allowed to post pictures here on my blog.

So please.  Post here or email me if you can do this kind of thing.



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