Saturday, October 9, 2010

Games Plus Auction Haul

Went to the Games Plus Auction today.  Didn't stay too long, needed to get home and decorate for Halloween.  Here is what I got:

D&D4 Warlock cards ($1.00 for deck 1  and .50 for deck 2)
A box that only was sold at Premier Stores (50 cents)
D&D Basic set ($5.00)
4e Hammerfast ($2.00)
And the D&D 4 H series and P1 all for about $25.00.
D&D 3 Libris Mortis ($7.00)
And a bag of D&D mini tiles. ($6.00)

Not a bad day really.


  1. I'm so jealous. We were planning on going to the auction but it just didn't work out. You got quite the nice haul there for a very good price!

  2. I am back now. Hoping to get some more D&D Basic stuff.

  3. I FINALLY got a Mentzer Basic set!!!!!

  4. I want that Holmes box./envy

  5. Aos: Where are you and how much?
    I'll be honest it is not in the best of shape.


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